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Glad she quit

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Goose, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    My wife used to work for CPS (Texas Children's Protective Services) a couple of years ago. She quit, burn out, tried using her nursing degree, but she was in a crash in 99 and has pins in her leg and partial use of her right hand and really can't stand up long, a sciatic nerve problem. She's currently trying to get her disability. Heck, she'll be getting social security in another 7 years anyway.

    But, when she was a case worker for CPS, she was always getting death threats, sort of unnerving. Well, it finally happened. A CPS case worker was killed by a "client" in Victoria the other day. When she'd have to remove kids, she always went with an LEO. But, when she went on investigations she was on her own. Pepper gas, firearms, stun guns, all taboo of course. I'm just glad she's not doing that anymore. It's a job with a lot of potential danger. My heart goes out for the family of the slain case worker and I hope the person responsible gets the needle. Rather they got a noose, but I'll take what I can get.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2006
  2. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Sad news......

    I hear ya goose, my wife is a nurse also. 20 years in the OR. Before coming to a slower paced lifestyle ( such a nice way of saying "the sticks" isn't it) we dealt with buresucratic bs like that. Didn't matter that she had to park in a parking lot half a mile away and catch a shuttle bus at 0300. No knives guns stun guns pepper spray etc etc. And they didnt even post a security guard on the lot after two nurses were attacked.....so she put her job on the line if she got caught. If they had tossed her locker and gone through her purse they would have found her two best friends....Smith and Wesson. In such cases its a hard call to make but as Jeff Cooper said...."better tried by 12, than carried by 6." Pity they dont swing scumbags like the shooter you described.....but the idea is to put a mad dog down, the means I guess is really irelevant, long as they do it.
    Ride Free.....
  3. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    GUys I have much respect for the law and always have but I'll tell you this, if someone tried to get between me and my kids, I don't care how much law they have on their side... it ain't gonna turn out pretty.
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    Hmm, for a law abiding soul I would expect no less and it should be that way for any good parent or even immediate family.

    But, for a pond scum sucking dirt-bag, taking their kids is a blessing. No child deserves to be in a bad home period. Meth Mothers should loose them permanently. Have you ever smelled a meth lab house? Imagine what that is doing to your kids brains? No big deal, you and your old man are making jack and cooking meth.

    There are mistakes made for sure but, the error ratio is far less than success ratio I am sure. We just do not have the successes sensationlized on national TV.
  5. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    These people that she dealt with are scum of the earth, crack heads, abusive both physically and mentally, whores, what not. 90 percent of 'em don't work, addicted. I have little patience with such, especially when they're beating their kids, burning 'em with cigarettes, various forms of physical abuse and then the mental abuse. No kid deserves to grow up like that.

    I understand that sometimes people get reported that don't deserve it. Heck, we got checked on once because someone at church had seen a rash on Gretchen, they reported possible neglect. My wife took the doctor's bill and prescription she'd already gotten the day before down to CPS to prove we weren't neglecting her. Yeah, it's like "what business is it of the state's", but then you realize all the crud that goes on in this society, how kids are treated. There's such low lifes in the world anymore, there is a need to protect the kids. The wife used to tell me most of 'em were more mad because they were going to lose whatever welfare they were getting for the kid than losing the kid. Guess they'll have to ration the crack a little better. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, these folks are doing their job. They don't deserve to die for it. Seems to me if someone would commit murder, no matter what the reason, maybe they don't need to be parents...:rolleyes: My wife knew this lady, though she worked in a different county. She'd consulted on cases before. She's going to the funeral.

    Here's the story... http://www.thevictoriaadvocate.com/front/story/3382977p-3913731c.html
  6. scooter

    scooter New Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    First of all, I am sorry for your wife's loss. Our son is currently in the care of the State of Texas, due to some emotional/behavioral problems of his. We have four other kids in the house and it was not a very easy decision to make to have the oldest placed. However, the safety of my family HAS to come first. It was kind of ironic at first that when we tried to get CPS involved at the very beginning of it all....they wanted to take ALL of the kids. Hmmm, that wasn't gonna fly very well at all. THAT, would've been a problem for sure.

    I can only just now talk about this in a somewhat objective manner. The processes involved are not pretty. You've got kids that DESPERATELY need to be removed that remain in place, and in other cases, kids that have problems that could be resolved with Parent training/counseling and such along with home therapy are being removed and placed in the system.

    The whole career field and apparatus state wide is cumbersome at best, and the individual case workers are heroes to me, for the most part, due to the very fact that some of them DO make a difference and keep on keepin' on.

    Again, I am sorry for your wife's loss.

  7. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains

    Well shiftless scumbag abusers are just taking up air someone could make use of breathin....but as to whores.....well just cause womans a "soiled dove" don't make her a junkie or a bad mother. While I have seen the sort you talk about most working girls have no use for them either. Ametuers that will turn a trick or rob a john just to get some dope. As one Pro said over a drink one night "useless dirty leg ho's give us pros a bad rep". ......

    Ride Free
  8. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Well, appologies to the "pros", but the hos I know about around here I wouldn't risk my privates on with three rain coats and a chemical warfare suit. :eek: :D They're mostly needle jockies in these small towns.
  9. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    A friend of mine worked in the child safety/rehab area for 20 years..it burned him out and ate him up. I never realized how rough things can be out there. He had a bunch of horror stories. Scooter, I hope that things sort out for your boy..and for the rest of your family as well. Goose, I'm happy your wife is in a different occupation too. It's sad to see that dope has been firmly entrenched in small towns. Up this way it used to be much more prevalent in the big cities but meth is so easy to make, it's all over the place now. I remember when Marc and I were in a restaurant in Utah on the way to the Bike talk ride when we were talking to the server and she was talking about drugs running rampant in the area. I thought I was in pristine bible belt cowboy country..goes to show what I know..dope is big trouble.
  10. scooter

    scooter New Member

    Dec 29, 2005
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    It Is ridiculous...the whole meth bit is even here in rural east texas as well. In fact, one of the darling "crack/meth/dope...etc" hoes here is trying to GIVE AWAY...dead serious...her baby to my wife.

    I cannot fathom having that little regard for your own flesh and blood.

    Then again, I cannot fathom any reason for a child to grow up that way, either.
  11. stevenh

    stevenh New Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    New Hampshire
    This is all pretty deep. Funny how you need a license to get married and even to go fishing, but anybody can pop out kids.
    Speed (meth) is a soul killer... It kills your soul. My opinion
  12. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains

    Amen to that crack speed coke they come straight from the pits. And the small towns are getting the worst of it. Drug dealers may be scum bags but they aren;t always stupid. Given the choice of dealing in say a city with a large police dept with lots of manpower and funding (Yeah I know never enough manpower or funding but still) and going to some burg that has a 10 man force and has bake sales to buy body armor...which would you pick? Plus and this is another real problem....cops in the sticks don't get paid nearly as well and that opens the way for payoffs and the rest of the corruption. And to me a crooked cop is worse than a drug dealer, pimp or thug. Those guys didn't swear to uphold the law and cash a check for doing it. When I was in West Texas summer before last when my Mom was dying they busted a huge meth operation in a little town close by. I figured that each resident would have to use almost an oz of meth if that all stayed there. But It was made there and headed for Amarilla.
    I have heard all the solutions: tougher penalties, madatory time, hanging...but realistically as long as theres a profit to be made somones gonna make it. So to me the only way to stop new users is give the junkies thier dope. Amsterdam does it with heroine. And they dont have people getting killed when some junkie breaks in to steal their tv. Legalize pot and tax it just like whisky. Let the rest of the druggies sign up and get free whatever til they die. And make selling hard drugs a death penalty offence. No appeal no 30 years later. If they get found guilty take em out and cap em right then.
    Yeah I know as my wife says all too radical. But I have watched a child die in my arms from getting into his mamas dope. Giving CPR to a toddler already blue and struggling to hang onto a frail life makes you look at things a bit different.
  13. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    Man I thought I was gonna take a flaming for that, it is a touchy subject with me. The Ex had CPS on my ass like a cancer when we first split. She couldn't stand the fact that I had custody of her meal ticketts. How I ever got mixxed up with anyone that.............but I digress. They never once found any proof of anything be cause it was all lies. I finally told the case worker not to come back to my house withouty a warrent I was done dealing with their BS. That was about 9 years ago and I haven't heard a word from them since.

    I know their doing a thankless and dangerous job and I didn't mean to belittle your wife's loss Goose.
  14. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    No offense taken, here. It can be a touchy subject. In Texas, if you make knowingly false allegations of abuse or neglect, you can be charged with a felony and do time, BTW. It's pretty serious, but hard to prove. In the case of an irate ex that keeps it up, you might could bring her up on charges, though. Just the repetition of it is pretty ****ing. Would depend on the circumstances I reckon and every state is different.
  15. CD

    CD Guest

    Nope, no flaming at all. There is such a thin line between right and wrong in a lot of these cases. Some are ridiculous like your example and others amaze you watching the nightly news. The only real loosers in all this mess are the kids.

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