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Got the Blues

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Breeze, Feb 19, 2005.

  1. Breeze

    Breeze New Member

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Volunteer State
    I picked up a used '02 FXST that was like showroom condition. The original owner put about $2k in upgrades (mostly chrome) on the bike including some low restriction slip-on mufflers and K&N air filter then decided to sell. One thing he failed to do was rejet the carb. I probably put a couple hundred miles on it before I rejetted (hard to stay out of the saddle) but it was enough that the head pipes started to blue a little. Any recommendations on a chrome restorer to get the blue out. I know that there are several out there but don't want to waste $$ and elbow grease on something that isn't worth the effort.

  2. CD

    CD Guest

    There are some good products that help but all of them remove some chrome. Let's back up a second though. You are saying headpipes? As in stock head pipes and not the heat shields right? If so, properly jetted they should change color at the port and a ways down the header. The exhaust is hotter than all get out right at the port and no chrome can take that heat without discoloring. Now, if your heat shields are turning that is another tune entirely.

    Make sure you do not go overboard on the jetting, too rich can make for some seriously ugly bluing.
  3. Breeze

    Breeze New Member

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Volunteer State

    hmmmmmmm... there must be something wrong with my 96 FXDWG... 15k miles and no blueing. No not the heat sheilds, just a little on the head pipes after they make the first bend from the exhaust port. Most of this is behind the heat shield where the air can't hit it (and not that visible but it still bothers me). I know the original owner and this didn't show until after he added the slip-ons. It ran lean when I bought it... took forever to warm up and even at recommended 1000 rpm didn't want to idle. After a thunderslide kit and some tweaking, it runs great and the blueing hasn't gotten any worse.

    As for the chrome restorer, I suspected that you would loose some metal in the process... similar to removing rust from steel. I may try some blue away or blue buster or something to shine them up and hope they stay that way.

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