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Great weather for riding......

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by chucktx, Oct 22, 2011.

  1. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    started out a bit chilly.......45 or so, then warmed up into the 80's. just got in from the rodeo,,,,,man them bull riders got some gonads on em!!!!! been going to this one for quite a few years. no pics......again.....:( but had a good ride and a great evening. this rodeo is a pbr finals.....similar to vegas!! a bit tired, gonna hit the rack!!!!! oh ya, never seen or heard from my buddy from the north.........................:banghead:
  2. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    your buddy from the north is still hiding from the pot farm:roflmao: Me had to play lumber jack today , Had a huge tree come part way down :eek: so we had to cut the rest down so it would'nt hit the wifes house , or fall in the guys yard next door , his POS boat is parked right there & he would try to hit me up for my Insurence & his so called boat has not been out of his yard in 7 yrs that I know of

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