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Harley-pushing elbow

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Hot01, Nov 7, 2007.

  1. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    Remember this? Since I had to push my bike home that day I've been in a lot of pain. I went to the doctor once and he gave me an arm band to wear. I'm still in a lot of pain and realized that I've changed the way I do a lot of things because of the pain. I went to a sports doctor yesterday and we determined that it's a combination of golf and tennis elbow. Golf and tennis players are p%$$ies. They only hurt one side of the elbow. When you push a Harley it gets the whole thing.

    Anyway, I got two shots of cortisone, one in each side. I now have the arm band and a wrist splint. Good news is that in 10 years she's never referred anyone to surgery. Bad news is that if this doesn't work, it's a long arm cast to force me to stop using it until it heals.

    So the moral of story is, if you have to push your bike, try to keep it more upright rather than taking most of the weight on the inside handlebar. I was worried about it tipping over the other way, but I'm starting to wonder if that wouldn't have been better than this.
  2. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV
    I knowz I be new, but I have learned a lot from this site already. One thing I have learned is Hot01 you is one tough stubborn chic. Too bad the world don't have more men with the brass you seem to have. Do us all a favor please, don't be stubborn on this one. I am sure everyone here would feel horrible if you have to have surgery, or miss any more riding time than you simply must. Take care of that arm, you post too many good stories and pics to miss any saddle time.
  3. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Abby my shoulder still bothers me from time to time sense my injury in October and I m still having to put ice on it and the doc also told me to put heat on it also. I don't understand all the reason why but it does help so do what the doctor says and it will heal much faster. I wouldn't want you to miss any riding time next riding season. Good luck and get better.
  4. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    Ya what those two said , I to need to follow the doc's words have to go in for a MRI for my knee next week :eek:
  5. Texas Road Glide

    Texas Road Glide New Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Galveston, Texas
    take care of that body of yours ab, your not gettin any younger. wich is my whole problem, i still try and do the things i did when i was 25. someday i am gonna grow up, just not today...
    think about that cast the doc wants to put on, keep that in the back of your mind, everytime you might feel like you would want to use that arm...

    and as far a tennis players being pu^%*^s, ok i will give you that one,that just might be true,after all you are what you eat!!!
    has played tennis for 35 years, and no tennis elbow yet, maybe they need better instuctors, or should try an easier game like putt putt....
    i am over 45, and still have the same pant size i had in highschool, no beer gut yet, the stomuch is still flat, and my mussells still work good, i ariibute this to playing tennis on almost a daily basis weather permitting....
    i feel much better now, thank you fro allowing me to vent........wink

    hey, take care of that arm,kepp the cast in the back of your mind, and let it heal, theres alot more riding to do...

  6. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    :roflmao: TRG, I play tennis too. I have to admit, didn't think I'd run into any tennis players here. :D

    It's hard for me to realize I'm getting old. I still play ice hockey too. Talk about injuries! Seems like wvak47 knows me too well. Stubborn, yes. He must have spoken to the ex. I'm not tough though. I'm really a very nice person. :) I just don't have much sense.

    The wrist splint really helped yesterday. I'll have to keep using that for a while.
  7. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV
    Never meant you weren't nice Hot. I figure you would be one of those folks I would be proud to call friend. I hate people who feel victim is a lifestyle not an role in a single happening. I can't see you ever being weak that way. That is what I meant by tough, just not a quitter. :D
  8. ringo912

    ringo912 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2007
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    Ditto on following the Doc's orders. Ya don't want to be out of commision for riding season.:( I'm like TRG, ya get older but it seems ya never grow up. At 53 I still do things I did in my younger days, it just takes a lot longer to recover. I don't always have much sense either.

    When I ruptured my achilles tendon I was in a cast for 6 weeks and then a leg brace for another 6 weeks. Riding season started about the last week I had the leg brace on. As soon that brace came off I decided to go for a ride. Problem was I couldn't get my boot on, ankle was still swollen. So using my lack of good sense :eek: I took an old pair of riding boots and cut the side open so I coud get my foot in. Then I used the handyman's secrete weapon, (duck tape),:roflmao: wrapped some around the boot so it would stay on and went for a ride.:D

    So follow the Doc's orders and you'll be back on top in no time.:)
  9. Hot01

    Hot01 Active Member

    May 17, 2004
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    Northern Colorado
    The things we do to ride.

    No problem wvak. I hope I didn't sound defensive. I keep thinking about my trip when everyone I met would say I was brave. I thought it was so funny. I kept saying, "No, just crazy."
  10. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    yup, i got ya figured as "one wild and crazy woman!!" someone i would ride across country with and not have to worry!:) ;)
  11. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    Take care of that elbow and do what the doc says.

    Marc..a combination of icing and heat is that the icing keeps the swelling down and the heat helps blood circulation (for healing) and movement/mobility.
  12. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    OH, that's what that's all about :cool: I get plenty of exercises with it every day when crawling under houses.

    I'm planning on being in Reno next fall, going to skip Sturgis this year and probably do it again the following year. I've been hearing that Virgina city is getting more popular and their having to add more parking areas up there.
  13. Texas Road Glide

    Texas Road Glide New Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Galveston, Texas
    yess ab, i was a tennis pro in ponte vedra beach florida from 1988 TO 1992, thats when i met my present wife, and she did not approve of me giving lessons to scanty clothed women, so now i build beach house's for a living, no more conflict of intrest, so to speak.
    yess i have long hair and the beard is ruff shavin, and my cloths could be nicer. but i got to tell ya, they never see it commin, when i blow them of the courts, smirking
    my daughter now 15, plays varcity tennis at her high school and is seated #1 so i have to play, just to keep her skills in tact.....

    the never judge a book by its cover, really does apply to me, giggling i will cut my ponytail again, and shave the beard. but you can bet when that happens i will be standing before a judge!!!:roflmao:

    and for the record i was not pissed, i just thought it was funny. and just had to reply

  14. SK

    SK New Member

    Mar 28, 2004
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    Las Vegas, NV
    There's a fairly new Ramada in VC. Last year they didn't sell out because they were asking $199 a night. I think they dropped the price a bit as it sold out this year. I stay at the Sugar Loaf Motel. First time I stayed up there 8 years ago there was only one bar open at night..now there's about a dozen.

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