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Harley Sportster HELP No Spark?????

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by CLIFFR, Jul 22, 2004.


    CLIFFR New Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Harley Sportster 1200 No Spark! I have replaced everything, All started after replacing the battery. After installing battery the bike started up fine, ran for approx 1 minute and totally smoked the voltage regulator. After replacing everything on ignition side and charging side Now what??????????????
  2. CD

    CD Guest


    What year XL? Depending on year it might be the 15 amp breaker or a toasted wire etc.

    Do you get power to the plus side of the coil? You could have smoked the kill switch, ignition switch who knows? The key here is to trouble shoot not throw parts at it.

    If you do not have the wiring diagram I would get a service manual. Once something toasts it can have effects on a lot of other parts. I once had someonce install a battery and had a short to ground and it fried the entire charging circuit.

    Give us more information, year, stock ignition etc, etc.

    CLIFFR New Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    1988 XLH 1200, I checked the breaker and it is getting power across it. I can not find a toasted wire, i have looked bike over several times. This is why I started replacing components. I have 12 volts at the coil with the key on. How can I bypass the kill switch? I have already tried disconnecting the gray wire which I believe to be ground with no change. Does the oil pressure switch on this bike have anything to do with ignition. Tonight I am going to try disconnecting white wire from ignition switch to coil and running a wire direct from positive battery to the positive side of the coil. Thanks for your reply and I appreciate any advice you may have.
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    If you have power to the coil and you can crank it the kill switch is not the problem.

    Do you have the service manual and schematics?
    You will need to follow the circuit and do the trouble shooting at each step.
    Ohm the coil it should be 2-3 ohms max across the plus to the negative side and infinity from either tower to the plus side. The power is also applied to the module and sensor plate so you can test each to see if there is a failure.

    There are a lot of variables here but if you go step by step down the schematic and follow the troubleshooting tree you will find it.

    CLIFFR New Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Is it possible for a breaker to be weak or are they just good or bad?

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