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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by toddl, Jan 6, 2005.

  1. toddl

    toddl New Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    i would like to know what you guys think about all the custom bikes out there bigdog borget ect>> not harleys what happen to harley davidson rules it seems you can spend 30 40grand and some one could pull up next to you with the exact same bike custom?? i dont know any comments
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    big dog, aih etc all build "customs" which are production customs, they do a lot of different paint but how many different combos are there for black with red flames?

    Bourgets bikes are production customs with a lot of flair and extras, can run up up to $100,000, jessie james chica etc all the "bike war builders" build one off customs but again you're in the $100K range.
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    I think it is just testimony to how popular the 45ยบ V-Twin design and this whole industry has become.

    This is very similar to the old "did you build it or buy it" Hot Rod question. A lot of Hot Rodders did an still do feel that a shop built Hot Rod is less of a Hot Rod than one built by the owner. Is a custom built by IAH or Big Dog etc less than a scratch built custom?

    To me there is only one difference (might be major to some). The owner that builds his own custom has a sense of being one with the ride. He built it, fought with it, bled on it and might have even beat it some. It is his creation, his baby. The first time you light the fire, you get shivers up and down your spine as it has come to life and you built it with your own hands.

    I think that this is part of what makes the aftermarket so strong. There are so many things that even an inexperienced owner can install giving them a sense of being more of a part of the bike.

    Do Harleys rule? Whenever I see or hear that anymore I flash on those decals that are in the rear windows of pick up trucks... You know, the one's with the cartoon character pissing on a Ford or a Chevy etc.

    The only rule I ever concern myself over is the one about "he who crosses the finish line first wins." That is where I like to rule.
  4. emigran

    emigran New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    Jersey and SW Florida
    AMEN... CD... AMEN...!!!

    Ride straight, ride safe, look ridiculous cool... it's all you bro... ever ride with ten guys... NOBODY cares what the other guy's ride looks like... once you're on the road... you're just all there... ain't it friggin grand... :D :D
  5. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    custom bikes are allright, some take it to an art form. There are a lot of talented builders out there. Harleys are like Buicks, one in every driveway. I've seen a few jazzed up Buicks and more than a few jazzed up Harleys. It all depends on what you want to do with your bike. I took my "Buick" down to AZ to visit CD and SK..Buicks are allright too.

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