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Having problems with a seat.

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Fudd, Aug 28, 2005.

  1. Fudd

    Fudd New Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Hi everyone. I am picking up a new Kawasaki vn2000 next week. I am 6'4" and the stock seat rises at the rear for lower back support. My rear end and that part of the seat seem to be fighting each other for the same spot! I really like the stock seats of the Suzuki c90 or the Yamaha Road Star 1700. They both do not have that few inches of rear back support.

    The dealer said that I could have someone work on the seat foam to reduce the rear hump. Is this my only option?

    Mustang and Corbin both make seats for the vn2000. They all look identical the stock seat. I contacted Corbin by phone. The rep. explained that the specifications are the same, but they use better padding. That's great, and my rear end will appreciate that benefit, but I want a flatter seat.

    Forward relocation kits are not available for the bike either. So, any suggestions? Thanks for any help.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    :confused: So, you are sitting on the rise / backrest? If you bend you knees controls and other things do not work or fit or are uncomfortable? I hate to state the obvious but the bike and you don't match. Neither Mustang or Cobra make a flat seat like you say. Danny Grey makes custom seats but they are big bucks. Part of the reason for the rise is the seat pan design which is dictated by the frame / fender etc. Any bike can be made to fit about anyone. Problem is, it cost a lot of money and sometimes the changes are not reversible.
  3. Fudd

    Fudd New Member

    Jan 9, 2005
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    Thanks for teaching me some lingo. Yes, I am speaking about the "rise in the backrest" of the seat. This is the same problem with most bikes that I checked out. You answered my question, really no other bike seat makers out there to check out, other than big dollar guys. My thoughts are to go to an upholstery shop and see what they can do. Maybe raise the center padding to take out the "deep valley" on the seat.

    Again, thanks for the reply.

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