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HD turn signal relocation kit

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by voodoochild, May 17, 2009.

  1. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Ok, now i realize i'm not the best mechanic but this is a little stupid. Has anyone done the HD relocation kit on a dyna?? The instructions say to remove the gas tank and under it find connector 31b and separate it from 31a....seems simple enough, right? Wrong, the connector is inside the square backbone of the bike and doesn't pull out far enough to disconnect..Hmmm, what brain surgeon designed that? And, i can't seem to get any slack on the wiring harness that runs in there either. Does anyone have any ideas on that? Also, the acorn nuts they give you are not deep enough to allow the mirror to get tight...are they kidding me? Nowhere did it say that i have to cut the threaded portion of the mirror shorter to accept the acorn nuts. Somebody has had to do this before and hopefully can tell me what i'm doing wrong. this is a genuine HD kit!? why doesn't it work properly? as usual, any help will be appreciated.

    signed...frustrated :gah:
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    the mirrors may be multi fit. some controls may be thicker than others????
    i would cut off what i didnt need and go on down the road.
    as for the wiring......can ya get a torch in there?????????? lol lol

    hope someone that has done that conversion will chime in.......
  3. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    k the mirriors are multi fit.....oh yea with some adjustment. so start choppin, or start shimmin, as for the connector in the bone, on one end or the other it has shifted into the tube, and you should find some slack there probably around the trip tree piviotal area(sounds erotic huh), or if this is a multi owner bike look to see if there has been any "custom mods" done, that could be the reason for the short wires cause I haven't seen many mechs. male or female that can do a connection in a spot as tight as that.
  4. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    well, i'm certainly not opposed to chopping the mirrors.....i've cut enough off this bike everywhere else! that was actually the least of my worries, just a surprise that's all. unfortunately, i am the original owner so the only mods done have been by me and i haven't ever touched the front of the bike.....yet, that is! Thanks Iron and chuck, i just can't believe the connector won't pull out of there! i can't push the wiring harness back into the bone because it splits off in different directions at that spot. I'm kinda stuck, or f*cked actually.....Anybody else done this before?? thx again. (can you tell I've calmed down since my original post?? :D )
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    no new bars or risers??
  6. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    :roflmao: C'mon chuck, i can't even relocate the blinkers and you expect me to change bars or risers??? Seriously though, i thought about higher apes but i don't have alot of extra cash now. i just wanted to clean up the bars a bit with the relocation kit.....and that ain't goin so well! I'll head out to the shop after work with a clear head and try again, we'll see how it goes.
  7. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    Use your OEM spacer and washer on the new mirrors, there should be a spacer that's kinda rounded on the top and a flat washer that go on top of the perch and a lock washer and the acorn nut go underneath it.
    If it's a socket/ pin terminal for the signals there should be a little button/tab you depress in the top middle of the male part to unlock it.
  8. 1TimM1

    1TimM1 New Member

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Try pulling on the main harnesses from the handlebars that go into the frame they are tight in there and go all the way to the rear of the frame and get wrapped around each other, if not got to the rear of the backbone and see if they are zip tied or caught on something
  9. hddoc94565

    hddoc94565 New Member

    Jan 16, 2008
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    Nor Cal
    The wire harness is doubled up on it self at the lower part of the backbone. to access this you have to remove that little rubber square in the rear fender. at that point you should be able to pull the extra wire thats in the harness out (about 12") of the frame. the real bitch is gettin all back in after your done. Good Luck

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    or just tighten down till it bust the acorn:roflmao: only laughting because i did that on the acorns on my seat
  11. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Ok, here goes...

    Lucifer, there's no spacer for the mirror, only a female threaded piece that goes over the stalk of the mirror to accept the little ball joint thing and it's like 2 sizes bigger than the new acorn they give me....(I do understand what you're talkin about though)(things that make you go hmmm, huh?!) The connector in the backbone i can see but it's like 3-4" down inside the backbone and I can't reach it, even with needle nose to pull on it. Besides i'm afraid to pull on that connector too hard for fear of ripping the wires out of it....(my grandfather used to have a pair of 8 or 10" needle nose somewhere, i gotta find them, they would help me gently pull it forward)

    1Tim, i cut the zip tie already and tried to push the main harness up the backbone but without going through the access panel in the rear fender, i can't fit my hand in there. (nothing like having to remove the shocks and drop the rear wheel again.....what a pain in the a**. I got no room in there with that big azz wheel back there!) And, after i called the stealership service guy, he suggested the same thing, pushing the harness up the bone....

    hddoc, you got it, exactly what i just described. lemme guess, you done this before...:roflmao:

    And sporsterboy....me and you must be related cuz that was my first instinct....I figured if I tightened it enough, it would either come thru the end of the acorn or break.....that's when i came inside and decided to call my friends at bike-talk and get some real advice.....

    you guys are a big help and i will endeavor to persevere as my old plumber used to say. I will see how it goes when i get home from work tomorrow.

    thanks again guys, i knew i could count on y'all. :D

    have a beer on me boys.....

    Hey hddoc, i guess you HAVE done this before.....considering your profile says HD wrench....Oh boy, i gotta pay attention more
    Last edited: May 18, 2009

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