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Headlight Issues

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by slickrick, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. slickrick

    slickrick New Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    A recently occurring problem. I started the bike this morning FXSTB, and the High Beam indicator was on, I reved the motor up to idle speed and locked the throttle to let it warm up. The High beam indicator went off and my headlight turned on, didn't notice it was off before. During my ride to and from work the high beam indicator would come on sometimes and then go out as I increased RRM's. Whenever the headlight is not lit the highbeam indicator comes on. Switched the bulb in the headlight, did the same thing. Checked the owners manual to see if that is a built in indicator that you headlight is not operational, couldn't find anything. Checked the wiring everything looks good. Anyone have an idea on 1. why the light is not operating all the time, 2. Why when the headlight is not operating the high beam indicator comes on?

    When the light is working the high beam does operate as does the indicator when I flip the high beam switch.

  2. GreyBear

    GreyBear New Member

    Jan 20, 2006
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    Nomad, currently the Blue Ridge Mountains
    Headlight blues

    What year is your bike? And does the housing have much vibration in it? The 06 dyna has had two headlight buckets replaced because they start to vibrate and get loose. Back in the shovelhead days I would have punched out the rivets and replaced those with some small bolts and self locking nuts....but I figure as long as I am making payments and the warranty is in effect they can fix it....although with just a tad over 2500 miles and 6 weeks in my posession, it is getting old. It caused the headlight to blow once so they replaced the bulb also.....not sure if that helps any but WTF, ya never know. Keep us informed if ya figure it out.... Ride Free........
  3. Breeze

    Breeze New Member

    Jan 21, 2005
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    Volunteer State

    A buddy of mine had a similar problem recently. The headlight connector had gotten hot and melted causing an intermittent short. He replaced the connector and problem solved.
  4. fast eddie

    fast eddie New Member

    May 6, 2006
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    San Antonio Texas
    head light woes

    I had these same symtoms on my 1989 dresser >when I would turn on my bike and turn the light switch on the high beam indicator would come on but not the headlight>> when you would unplug the headlight the indicator would go out>> it was not the bulb >it turned out to be that the ground wire coming out of the 3 wire connector was corroded >> replaced the male & female pin connectors and the light works fine now>> to check the bulb get you 2 jumper wires & connect them to your light & a 12v battery source directly to see if bulb is working >> connect one wire to the black wire to a good frame ground & the other wire to the white or green wire outta your bulb to the + side of battery>>hope this helps
  5. bikerjim1

    bikerjim1 Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Liberty Hill Texas
    Fast eddy is on the same page as I. Ground wire is what sounds to be the problem.
  6. slickrick

    slickrick New Member

    Nov 20, 2005
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    It was the ground!

    Took some doing but the bulb tested good, and voltage was getting to the bulb. There were two grounds so it looks like the one to the headlight was loose and it grounded out into the high beam. The two only had one wire in common (White). Thanks for pointing me in the right direction and saving some cash from the dealer!

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