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Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by bikerfun1, Jun 12, 2008.

  1. bikerfun1

    bikerfun1 New Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    I'm a Kansas Biker KC area. I have a 1995 FLHTC that I have done a ton of work on. And now it's time to change out my clutch and I'm interested in changing my air breather. With top performance in mind, is there a clutch basket out there that I can just do an R&R on? I really don't want to take apart my old clutch and replace the plates and such I'd rather just take off the old basket, put it in my stock parts bin and replace it with a real @$$ grabbing clutch.
    Anybody got any suggestions or good experiences?
    Thanks for any help on these 2 issues. Also where is the most reasonable place or website to get a Metzler front tire?
  2. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    The "Bandit" & "Rivera Pro" clutches are 2 favorites, the Bandit being a lot more expensive (Rivera ain't cheap) & most popular with drag racers. 3 independent shop owners I know will not sell or service Barnett clutch products due to numerous problems. But a stock clutch set up properly will work just fine & in a Sportster I know can handle 167 HP & 125 ft/lbs @ the rear wheel. BT clutches are of course different, but set up properly, they seem to work just fine too, even with a lot of engine modifications for more power.

    Do some "Googling" to find the best price delivered to your area & check with local indy shops too. Tire prices have recently gone up & the ME33 "Lasertec" I use that was $108 including shipping I see on one site is almost $120 + shipping. And you most assuredly do not want to mix tire brands front/rear because the construction & tread compound/design is so different from one manufacturer to another. I am absolutely, positively sold on Metzelers & have used them for years, but no way on God's green earth would I even consider a Metz on one end & a different brand (like the gawd-awful Rocklop) on the other.
  3. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    Like Art said, your stock clutch can handle just about anything you can throw at it, but you could change your plates if you like. Energy One (they're online) seem to be pretty good , I spoke to them there and was told they supply the plates for Primo-Rivera, Sputhe, BDL and more(CRS thing again) EXCEPT Barnett, stay away from them (trust me on that).
    The Metz tires that are made in Brazil now are having a lot of issues with premature failure(belt seperation,sidewalls blistering), German made ones are fine IF you can find one. Avon Venoms are a good tire.
    The Bandit clutch is prolly top dog but requires a little inner primary mod to install them.
  4. bikerfun1

    bikerfun1 New Member

    Jun 15, 2007
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    Thanks for the input

    I think the only reason i'm having clutch issues is that a bonehead at Grand Island Ne HD Central was adamant about using HD synthetic oil in my Primary.
    why did I ever listen to him????
    And so now I have a Metzler on the back and a kerflop/dunlop on the front just because I can't seem to find a front Metz locally. is it unsafe to ride even for a week or so?
  5. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    I rode with A Metz up front and Dunlop in the rear for about a year. I had no problems at all. AN Indy said there wouldn't be any problems. I finally changed out the rear to a Metz and will keep them the same.. I really likr the Metz... Better traction and overall performace compared to the Dunlop... Yeah my manual says to never switch brands, but I think its a bunch of Hooey!!!:)
  6. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    Good for you ;) I'm kinda funny about that - I wouldn't ride across the parking lot with mis-matched tires & most assurredly not down there in Charlotte :rolleyes: I need the Metzelers to get the heck outta there & back up here by Lake Norman before the "soccer moms" talking on their cell phones in their mini-vans run over me :roflmao:

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