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Hells Angels

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Painter55, Aug 23, 2005.

  1. Painter55

    Painter55 New Member

    Aug 9, 2004
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    I got back on the road with another bike after a nine month hiatus (had to buy a house and move). But all is well now. So, I headed for the old haunts--a summer bike show at a dealership, and I saw all the Harley glory in action. But there in the background, I saw THEM: two Hells Angels describing themselves as 'motorcycle enthusiasts' to a small crowd gather around. I've been all over Chicago on my bike, but this was the first time I had seen THEM. I thought "Harley" on my jacket said something, but HELLS ANGELS on their vests said something... something ... something more.

    THEM. Whoa. No disrespect. Profound curiosity. Something more.

    Tell me yours. I've told you mine.
  2. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    They've been using the enthusiast line for years and they'd be right in doing so. They like bikes..[Harleys, although Barger had some interesting thoughts on Harleys in his first book] and they ride, soooo that could put them in that category. The HA have great PR people and their lawyers are top notch and lets face it, the riding public has a "romantic" image of the outlaw biker and the PR work done has a good number of the general public on board as well. I remember when the HA did a "patch over" up here a few years ago and they played the public like a violin. The law enforcement could have handled things better but you don't see the HA doing stupid stuff like some of the other bikers had done in the past..they're very aware of bad publicity and work to keep that at a minimum. They're a club, they got their own rules.They don't ride with me, and I don't ride with them. When I was at Sturgis I saw a FXDX parked with the key in the ignition. The air cleaner had Hells Angels and the winged head painted on it..not too many guys are going to try to hop on that bike...that has got to say something..
  3. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I know a few people in MC clubs, some HA's, some sanctioned by them and some not. The ones not sanctioned will have their right to wear their colors stripped by the HA's in time, unless it is a very large riding club like HOG, MMA, etc.

    I have ridden with these guys as individuals and get along fine with them and the other people in their clubs. However, I do not have any interest in joining their clubs. I much prefer to remain a "friend" of the club than become a member. Quite frankly, I don't think they really want me as a memeber either. They prefer a different type of person than myself.

    There is a certain amount of respect that comes from being a member of these clubs due to their shear numbers. You know, strength in numbers. However, in my opinion, it comes at the expense of loosing some of your individualism.

    No offense intended to anyone in these clubs, it's just not my style. It takes different kinds of people to make the world go round. Everyone has their right to their own opinion. That's what makes this country what it is. I don't think you would find too many people, whether club members or not, that would disagree.

    The point is to ride and have fun.

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