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Help! I need Oxygen

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by CD, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. CD

    CD Guest

    Unless the rumor mill is way off base, H-D has indeed gone closed loop EFI at least on the Dyna lineup. Definitive info is hard to come by as yet.
    Also, the six speed is really a 1:1 sixth using a DD style primary drive.
  2. Killer-B

    Killer-B New Member

    Jan 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Yep, Yep.

    Yup all is true, its been on H.D's web site for a couple of weeks now.

    I guess the MoCo is going to use the Dyna's as the test-bed for the six speeds, :eek: before they spread the wealth.

    And, the wideglides have new 49mm forks too.

    AND,, the Softails have a new fat back tire !!!
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2005
  3. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    why would it be

    be 1:1 what did they do?
    the aftermarket one is .8:1
    and the final already is 1:1
    is it a first gear then "first and half"....then second..love Dynas WG as always but gonna stick CARB till the end.
    Thinking about the Soft Tail Deluxe for a cruiser/bagger but my dynas are not leaving the garage maybe gonna share it though. Just thinkng maybe time for something with a bigger/wide front wheel and really tired of fatboys and road king everywhere..... just me... I like the bikes just okay so I can't stand the fatboy robocop headlight crap or the whole bike but one out of.... but the Soft Tail Deluxe has caught my eye for a bit now.
    better check to see if they are all now EFi which would be a terrible thing for me..not into flashing anything but a camera and not interested in having my bike need to get RE booted.. that is what I do when I need a new pair of boots.. anyone out there( I am sure )own a Soft Tail Deluxe any problems...I mean all in all the dang things are all the same except some of the frames..when it comes down to it... change a fairing and a rim and you got a new bike with a new name.they are kinda tricky to tell apart to me anymore..but hey oh well.

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