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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by padsta, Jul 13, 2004.

  1. padsta

    padsta New Member

    Jul 13, 2004
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    south-west UK
    hi guys, new to this group from the uk. have recently brought a sportster 1200 1995 model, and have just started to get real bad overheating problems. have changed the oil+filter, the plugs are white at the core, and are not fouled at all, (sure sign of overheating),the bike has only done 3500miles, so im a little worried. any1 know what my problem could be, week mixture maybe? i would like to have a go at sorting this myself, but where do i start to find the problem? would be greatful for any advice.#
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Padsta the new fuels make reading plugs difficult, they burn so clean, a total white means you're lean, but if the bikes new and has little mileage it may take a while to get the plugs brown.

    get a temp sensor for the oil and see how it runs, it should be in the low 200's to mid 200's 230 is normal.

    To help run synthetic oil like Mobil1 V-twin or Castrol V-twin as long as it's 20W-50.

    Add a set of aftermarket mufflers, do a SE air filter and tune the carb, you
    can get instructions on the carb here www.nightrider.com
  3. padsta

    padsta New Member

    Jul 13, 2004
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    south-west UK
    thanx buddy for your prompt reply, i have screeming eagle pipes on her, have just changed the oil with some expensive 20/50. ive had her for two months and never had a problem with overheating until last week when i rode 40miles, got caught in traffic, she then overheated, wanted to die. so turned her off left for hour and half, then rode home without probs. but sinse, even short journeys she's running abnormally hot, im worried that i am going to do some damage to the motor, what do you think it might be??
  4. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    If the bike has pipes and didn't get jetted for them, probably pretty lean. I doubt it's hot other than running lean. Lean condition is not good, can burn valve seats and such over time. Get the carb jetted. That pipe should come with a jet kit or one should be available for it I'd think. But, I'm not a Harley tuner specifically. The proper way would let somebody put it on a dyno and jet it, but dyno runs can be expensive. You will KNOW what you have on a dyno with an EGA, though.
  5. padsta

    padsta New Member

    Jul 13, 2004
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    south-west UK
    not sure if is was jetted. would this problem that i have just come out of the blue, so to speak, as it has? is there anyway to check and ajust the mixture to richen it up? also, whats a EGA? The engine casing,cylinder head etc get very very hot, but the oil stays very cool, is that normal?
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    EGA is an Exhaust Gas Analyzer sniffs the fuel to air ratio tells you if you're lean or rich and where usually taken while getting a dyno run.

    I didn't see where you'd done filters or pipes, and you stated it "Just started" to run hot, how do you know this, is it because you looked at the plugs or what other thing happened.

    If the bike was tuned typically you'll find the plate that covers the A/F mixture screw is removed, go to www.nightrider.com for a diagram of the cv carb you have and how to tune it, you can print it and it's better than I can describe.

    If you have stock pipes and air filter I doubt it's been messed with, so what's up with the bikes modifications as far as mechanicals go.
  7. padsta

    padsta New Member

    Jul 13, 2004
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    south-west UK
    cheers for your reply hotroadking...,(quote)I didn't see where you'd done filters or pipes, and you stated it "Just started" to run hot, how do you know this, is it because you looked at the plugs or what other thing happened.()
    thats a very valid point, it just seems to be getting a lot hotter than it did before, i never looked at the plugs or anything before cause i had no cause for concern.also after about 4 miles it splutters on pull-off etc, and just feels different. maybe im a little paranoid, but i dont wanna kill my harley either! should it feel soo hot after 5-6 miles, so much so that you cant even touch the engine without scalding yourself? could it be dodgy fuel? blocked carb??
  8. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    After 5-6 miles in the summer heat here I can't and won't touch the heads they get extremely hot, In the winter we use that area as a glove warmer LOL

    Is it actually hot in the UK? :D

    Warmer summer months maybe causing your notice of the issue.

    Are your pipes and filter box stock? If so I'd say run some better gas in it and next time change the oil to a good synthetic, this will reduce temps and if you are really concerned pick up an oil cooler for your bike with the syn and oil cooler you should drop 20+ F degrees.
  9. padsta

    padsta New Member

    Jul 13, 2004
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    south-west UK
    have got eagle pipes, and yes it has been dyno jetted. it is20degrees here right now. i ran the bike today for a couple miles, and seems to be ok. i recon that after i "cooked" her last week, ive become a little paranoid to say the least!! oil cooler sound a good idea, what sort of price am i looking at for 1, and are they easy to fit??
  10. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    There are several options both HD and Aftermarket, check here at Direct Parts and then on www.harleydavidson.com for your model.

    Putting them on is quite easy and you want one that has a thermostat based on your northern climate, in low temps you want the cooler blocked until the oil heats up enough to work properly.

    I'd start with synthetic oil, it works very well and costs only the difference between it and dyno oil

    Also you may have an intake leak or be running a bit lean, you can check the carb jetting and the best way IMO is a dyno run with the AFR (air fuel meter) checking the exhaust.

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