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Help something went wrong

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by jwmtld, Aug 4, 2005.

  1. jwmtld

    jwmtld New Member

    Jul 14, 2005
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    southern illinois
    Let me start with the bike is a 05 road glide 2000 miles and is getting personalized. I put rush mufflers on it last week today I just got the total fuel system ( similar tothe dfo) Now the bike ran ok with the rush mufflers on it but needed more fuel. when I Installed the total fuel things went wrong the fuel started comming out the exhaust. ( liquid form) not sure what happen but im not very happy. what could have happen. here what I have done so far.

    1) It ran ok with the rush mufflers but on the install today i disconnected the neg battery cable . could this have wiped out the settings it was running on. and if so will i need to put the stock mufflerback on it.

    2) Harley shop is saying they want the race tunner and their stuff on it ( i dont see why it should be that way) i am trying to save money by doing the upgrades myself and after the install then have it flashed.

    3) It is the rear cylinder that is not hitting ( dead) I also now have the little engine light on.

    4) will I need to put the stock mufflers back on so this bike read back pressure and the computor goes back to old settings

    this bike is starting to be a pain. any suggestions and all help is welcome
  2. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mankato, MN
    I've heard that the DFO's are very touchy and can dump a lot of fuel into your cyllinder. I'd set the control (if there are some) to a very low setting and change out your sparkplugs. You may have fouled the plugs with too much fuel and the unburned fuel would dump out the exhaust.

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