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HELP Sounds Like Chains in there.

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Daves02, Oct 20, 2005.

  1. Daves02

    Daves02 New Member

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Hey Everybody

    I have an 02 flstci that I haven't ridden for about 8 months and it just sat in the garage.

    I have time to ride now and so I bought a new battery, changed the oil and filter (3 quarts) of HD 20 - 50.

    Had about 1 or 2 gal of gas left in there and added new Shell 89 octane in. As I was riding everything sounds great at normal takeoff, and normal shifting BUT when I give it a little more gas it sounds like the front of the engine is about to throw something out. It is such a loud rattle. Kinda sounds like if your old car when you were 16 and it was low on water but you didn't care cause you were going to smoke that stang but instead you pooped out and died..... or you have crappy gas in your new car and you get on it and you hear that knocking... but this sounds soooo loud and bad.

    Any ideas???? I hate to bring it to a dealer and get charged 100 bucks an hour for something I may be able to fix.

  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    get rid of all the gas in the tank....if you didnt use any stablizer when you parked it, it has gone bad, and you need to run a higher octain than 89 if you can find it. it sounds like you have a bad case of spark knock
  3. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I agree. Definately change the gas and use super. You may also want to change the plugs too. I don't know how long you ran it but fo the few extra $$$ the plugs would cost it would be worth it IMO.

    Good luck!
  4. Daves02

    Daves02 New Member

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Thanks guys.

    The knock started to subside allot after riding it a little but it is still there. I will go out and get some new plugs and put Shell VPower 93 in it.

    Will post later.

    Thanks again.

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