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Help, what did I do wrong

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by Irisstash, May 8, 2013.

  1. Irisstash

    Irisstash New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    I have a 98 xl1200 that has screaming eagle slip-ons two weeks ago I put a free flowing exhaust on and could feel "flat spots" so I got the CV tuner kit. Got everything put back together and bike starts fine, warms up fine but as soon as I put the enricher valve in it dies. I tried mixture screw in a multitude of different positions and to both extremes and get the same results. Bike dies as soon as enricher valve is pushed in. I am pretty sure the jets, needles and slide were put back in correctly, is it possible that the way I reconnected the enricher valve was incorrect?
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    check for a vac leak around the carb where it mounts to the intake
    and the seals from the intake to the heads, a propane torch unlit
    works good without the mess.

    If the enricher is out to run you have no fuel at low RPM

    Start it and get it running and throttle up, put in the enricher,
    will it run on the main?

    Could be you have some dirt or something in the pilot jet

    what is the idle air mix screw set at, should be 2.5 turns out
  3. Irisstash

    Irisstash New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Ok, so I ran propane all around intake manifold and the carb to manifold connection and could detect no change in rpms. The bike was a daily driver up until I pulled carb off, is it common to develop manifold leaks after removing and re installing carb?

    I also dismantled carb again and removed and reinstalled jets, they seem clear and they are all brand new....

    pulled out slide diaphragm seems fine, everything matches what the you tube video and service manual looks like...

    pulled out the new mixture screw to see if o ring was in incorrectly and it seemed to be seating fine....

    Same results, bike will run on choke or with throttle cracked, but not at all at idle

    Is there any chance that I re installed throttle linkage incorrectly and that could cause a problem with idle speed? I had a little bit of a time getting the linkage off and back on (although the second time went much faster) There is a small spring on the cable that returns throttle to idle, the only way that I could figure it went back in was in the brass housing that the cable sits in? Could this be part of my problem? What purpose does this spring serve? I feel like when I was trying to get cables off the first time I adjusted the screw that is the stop for the throttle cam when throttle is returning to idle. Could this cause my problem? I adjusted it in a little to see what happened and the motor idled higher on choke (1200 vs 1000) but as soon as I pushed choke in dropped to 800 and then died.

    When I adjust mixture screw all the way in is that making fuel mixture richer or more lean? Does the mixture screw have any affect on the motor when enricher valve is engaged? it seems to have none. I tried to follow diagrams for carb in service manual, forget it...
  4. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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  5. Irisstash

    Irisstash New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Hey guys thanks for the assistance. Learned a bit and the bike seems to be idling well now. Just adjusted screw on throttle cam to raise idle a bit, I don't now if had backed screw off at some point or maybe stretched the linkage a bit in the removal and reinstallation process. Tomorrow I will see how it does in all stages of the throttle with a load on!

    Thanks again
  6. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Glad we could help and hope the info we provided helped some.

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