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hiding wires

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by gyspy133, Jul 6, 2004.

  1. gyspy133

    gyspy133 New Member

    Jul 6, 2004
    Likes Received:
    what is the eastiest way to hide wires on a flstci 2001 using stock bars please help
  2. lhhrwc

    lhhrwc New Member

    Jul 7, 2004
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    So. Ca. mountains
    Seems the only way to get that stuff back in is to remove the rear fender and pull them back to the original configuration. I take it they were pulled out for a reason and now they have to be put back in teh frame tube or are we talking about the wires in on the handle bars...?
  3. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I think we're talking handlebars here, the easier method is to ride it to a local shop and have them do the work for you. LOL

    If you do it yourself get a SM so you have a reference for hooking stuff up.

    1) Cover front engine rocker box with a towel to prevent scratches
    2) Remove Seat, and front and rear gas tank bolts.
    3) Slide tank back carefully.
    4) Disconnect connectors leading to the bars.
    5) remove Control housings and unscrew switches from inside the housings
    6) Dissasemble connectors, mark on a sheet what color goes to what pin so you know how to put it back together, you could poke holes in the same pattern of the connector(s) in a small piece of card board, number them and put the wire through the correct hole.
    7) Remove bars from bike carefully mark where you want the wires to exit
    8) Drill a hole where the housings sit on the bars (you may want to mark the position before you remove the housings with a sharpee
    9) Drill an exit hole in the bottom of the bars where they exit into the risers (mark them before you remove them with with a sharpee)
    10) tie a small washer or bolt to some string and use gravity to tread the string to the handle area and out.
    11) Check length of wires, you should have enough if you don't change from stock, however you might need to splice in 3 to 4 inches of wire, make sure you do one at a time, cut the factory ends off staggered lengths starting at 3 inches up, solider in the new piece and heat shrink.
    12) Pull wires through the bars, leave some of the black covering on at the holes to prevent rubbing on the wires.
    13) reassemble connectors, reverse initial steps.

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