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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by SPORSTERBOY, Jul 26, 2006.


    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    Is It Really Flooding In Houston! Got A Stepson And Grandson In Baytown. Who Could Still Be Living Here In Spokane.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    if there is a heavy dew in houston it floods......fact is there is more concrete than dirt........and ya know how much concrete soaks up water..............
  3. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Let's just say, if you buy a home in Houston, you've gotta be aware of the flood zone areas, preferably stay away from the Bayous. The whole friggin' city, though, is low and flat and it gets a LOT of rain periodically. This year has been pretty wet so far. I remember one flood back in the mid 70s that flooded the hospital district, people were stranded on the freeways until the water went down on the feeder roads. I rode back (was '75, remember now) from Seabrook where I was working at the Texas Parks and Wildlife marine lab and had water over the engine of my bike riding from Kemah to League City. Didn't know if the ol' bike was gonna make it. :eek: Didn't get in the intake, though. Mufflers were going burbble, burbble, burbble. LOL

    Then, '79, tropical storm Claudette put down 43" in 24 hours on Alvin, just south east of Houston. I had a new home in Brazoria county south of the town of Brazoria at the time and it almost got in the house, but I was built to federal flood insurance specs. My neighbor was built 2 feet lower. :( He moved in a trailer, replaced carpet and sheet rock and almost had it done and along came another "hundred year flood" a month later and it almost got in my house again and he just gave up. That house sat vacant for several years and was vacant when I moved down to Port Lavaca.

    I don't have a flood possibility here unless we get a major hurricane pushing over 25 feet of storm surge, not likely, but you never know. I'm sitting about 22 feet above the water on the upper bay and the house is on blocks, but it could happen just due to the proximity to the water, across the street. But, this is THE high ground in this town and Carla (last cat 4 to hit here in '61) didn't get it. I'm insured for wind damage, not too worried about that, though I hope it don't happen.

    Just was talkin' to the wife this morning about ordering some MREs for emergency rations. I could use 'em on bike trips and hunting trips, too. Well, they're not exactly MREs, but similar commercial meals advertized in an outdoor catalog. They want 25 bucks for five days worth for two people. Just ad hot water and chow. You got to plan for such things living down here. I've got a generator, a van that's got AC for camping, and we can run to one of the type 2 Texas public hunting areas to hunt and fish while the storm tears up Calhoun county. :D You gotta have a plan if you don't wanna wind up like half of New Orleans, bodies floating in the muck. :rolleyes: Idiots....but that's another story.
  4. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    goose, you work for texas parks and wildlife???

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    I'm Pretty Safe Here, Even The Snow Is Getten Scarred!
  6. Texas Road Glide

    Texas Road Glide New Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Galveston, Texas
    alls well on the island..........except for bacteria in our water............
    houston faired well with just minor flooding in the useaul spots..........waiting for the sun to pop out today..............
  7. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Texas Coastal Bend
    It was a summer internship thing in college. I was a wildlife and fisheries management major, minor in chemistry. I went to work for Dow Chemical when I got out makin' the big bux. Laid off, got on down here setting up waste water analysis, bio assay work, and stack gas stuff getting the plant through its EPA abatement on start up, then I went to routine waste water analysis and bio assay testing. So, I sorta used my degree, sorta, but made a heck of a lot more money than I ever could have slavin' for TP&W, I can tell ya that! LOL!

    That was a fun summer, though. I spent half of it at Seabrook doing a study for a problems course credit and helping out the biologists on different daily tasks. Last half of the summer, I had to take population dynamics and marine ichthyology at the Fort Crockett campus, Texas A&M University. I had a dorm room on the fourth floor facing the sea wall where I spent a bit of time with a friend across the hall with binoculars watching the women skating in their bikinis. :D GREAT view from that room. I also spent too much time in the strip clubs around town, but it didn't effect my grades!

    Galveston is a fun town to go to school in. To bad I spent most of it in College Station.:rolleyes:

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