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How about an e-mail flood to these idiots?

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Goose, Nov 4, 2005.

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  1. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Does e-mail make noise?

    I had read this in another forum and have added to the newsletter that goes out to oh, about 22,000 plus readers. I encouraged them to send an e-mail voicing their opinion. Even at 10%, that should generate a few e-mails sure, they will ignore them but it will also tell them somebody is watching.

    It isn't what they complain about, it is the tone, the falsehoods and twisting of the truth. Every "article" has a direct insult about the target subject. Boom cars, Bikes even Jake Brakes. Hmm, ever tried to slow down a semi without one coming down a really steep hill? Guess all those pulloffs are for show eh?

    From their complaint on boomers

    "People who drive boom cars consider it their right to play music at any volume they please. They regard their car as an expression of themselves and the louder it is, the bolder the statement that they can make. Boomers are typically lower-middle class men in their teens and twenties with some disposable income. They assume that their car will attract women and improve their social standing among their peers. "

    Wonder if he has the huevos to go to a local gathering and tell that to the "lower middle class men"?

    Sure, boomers will irritate you but....does this help?
  3. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Exactly. I get miffed at the boom boxes in the little fart can cars at the car wash next door. But, then, I'm the idiot that moved in next to a car wash! Seems to me, these anal retentive types should just move out of the friggin' city or away from the bike shop or whatever if they don't like the noise. I don't know about where they live, but if it's a big problem for them, they must've not noticed the zoning of the residence they moved into. I bought this house FOR its zoning/location, so I could operate a business out of it, or rather the shop next to it.

    I haven't heard the bike that is as obnoxious as an 18 wheeler, either, especially one jake braking down a hill. :rolleyes: Seems to me these idiots just need something to be POed about. They spew an awful lot of idiotic stereotyping about bikes and bikers, too. I have yet to find any one biker to fit any one stereotypical mold. :rolleyes: It is these comments that really peed me off. I mean, I can understand if someone gets irritated at a loud bike now and then, but they're sitting there calling ME scum just because I happen to like motorcycles? Maybe I might have a pipe on it?

    They did advise rightly not to approach a biker about his loudness. Now, I'd be nice to the guy if at all possible, but if he came at me with an attitude, he might wind up with his head stuffed up his, well, you know. Would just depend on my mood, I reckon. I'm picturing these idiots, though, as soccer moms driving around in Suburbans. I'm not seeing MALES here for some reason, or they're balless males cause I don't know too many guys that grew up when I was a kid that didn't have "cherry bomb" glass packs on their hot rods even if they weren't into bikes. :D
  4. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    BTW, one of the guys on the TWT site where I saw this noticed they're asking for donations, but give no address and only accept paypal. Hmm, fishy, eh? He reported them to some government organization he knows about that investigates suspicious sites asking for donations. :D
  5. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    I had to

    okay it was a bit short and not well written but I had to send them something so here is what I cut it back to after a few attempts..people like that can have an opinion but Geesh get some truth in there somewhere!!!!

    here is my posting to them;

    you smuck..get it right there are so many things wrong with your "Agenda" one is;
    HDs are not designed to be loud.. they come from the factory very quiet. There are egos that rev the motors "in all classes" from a redneck drunk to the RUB(rich urban biker) that wants to feel/think he is tough..and get their jollies from it, but to say it is a "class thing" is simply showing your A#$. You however are probably one of those smugs in an SUV that try to own the road, compensating for your short comings and insecurities in life,( maybe even with a slight case of biker envy). I bet you drive aggressively..thank goodness my pipes tend to make people of all "classes" including old ladies that can't see over the steering wheel stop or slow down and notice me on the road. Where I am we do have officers that tend to enforce laws relating to noise levels from all sources for excessive loudness. Try starting in your own part of the world and leave mine alone.Drop a pair,tell the "loud people" they are bothering you, nothing worse than an open minded dictating movement telling what is good for me for some "cause" that will not amount to a hill of beans in the big picture. What did ya do, buy a house next to an existing outdoor music arena or on the steep downside of a hill? Now you and all your snobby neighbors wanna complain about the sound? I can be just as prejudice. Obviously all it takes to start a "cause",is one idiot with an opinion and a web page like this hoopla-written non-factual but clearly over opionated site.The smuck who made the "class statement", this "American" will tell it to you anytime, but I bet you'd never find your little neighborhood group at any gathering of riders telling them what your opinon is and what you are attempting to do.I will stop now, your page is clearly without sense or safety for truckers and automobiles around them as well.
  6. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    It seems to me that this is another case of a few people making it hard on the rest of us. I, like most Harley owners, do not have a stock pipe on my bike. I have also been hassled buy the police because of it. The pipe I have is for performance not simply to make it louder.

    If Harley or the aftermarket folks would spend some time and resources developing legal performance pipes then people might buy them. You know, if you build it they will come. It is common knowledge that many Harleys with stock pipes fall on their faces coming out of a light. That's why so many people change them out.

    Also, the article seemed to lean more heavily toward the stunt guys on the crotchet rockets. I think they should crack down on those folkes since they are a danger to others. That sort of riding belongs on a track or some other venue rather than on heavily traveled streets.

    Pipes don't kill people but 200 MPH, gasoline powered projectiles do.
  7. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    The stunter squid problem is a whole nuther can of worms I've been seeing articles about lately. There are laws against it and that just makes these idiots more brazen. They'll look for 20 mph school zones to do their wheelies in and have someone taking vids of it. It's the "extreme sports" mentality. I'd not care, consider Dawinian principles as the ultimate cure, except that this sort of behavior not only gives the rest of us a black eye, it endangers the public.

    Back in the 80s, when the GSXR Suzuki introduced the race replica street bike and horsepower was climbing up over 100 in stock sport bikes, I remember "Jumpin' Jack Danforth" as the AMA called him, trying to pass horsepower limits on bikes. He wanted a 100 hp limit as I recall. I don't really think a bike needs more than 100 hp on the street, but I am not in favor of horsepower limits on bikes. I wear a helmet, but I'm not in favor of helmet laws, sorta the same thing, a freedom issue. But, I'm afraid of the legislation that could be resurrected by the squid/stunter problems in the big cities. Houston is rife with squids stunting. I saw a guy on an Aprilia Tuono doing stand ups through traffic not long ago. Idiot!

    Whatever is done about this, what SHOULD be done is just to enforce the law. The cops claim they can't catch these idiots when they get after them and I sympathize cause modern liter bikes are putting out 165 hp and can do 190 mph. Through traffic, no car will keep up. They'll even outrun choppers in a straight line. That's probably going to bring legislation down on us all if this crap keeps up. I'm also in favor of tiered licensing, starting off with no bigger than a 250 for a couple of years, then advance to a 500, then after a few more years, you get an unlimited license. This would keep lots of the teens and twenty somethings, the idiots that get into the stunt scene, from ever considering a bike. If they had to ride a 250 for a couple of years, they'd never buy a bike in the first place. Of course, they could always buy a liter bike and just not worry about the license. It's quite obvious these idiots aren't worried a whole lot about the law. But, I think tiered licensing could stop some of it and would be good from the safety standpoint in general. A new, inexperienced rider has no business buying a 100 hp 600 or a 165 hp liter bike for a first ride. :rolleyes:
  8. kgc

    kgc New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Got to say that I more than a little PO over the following:

    1. The way that this NoiseOff group classified the representatives of "Rolling Thunder" as and I quote "these acoustic terrorists". Who ever the lame SOB is that wrote this should be publicly flogged. While I’m not a member it's my feeling that Rolling Thunder has done more good for the American vets than any other that I can think of.

    2. While "Inside Edition" is basically a video version of the “National Enquirer” all that they highlighted in their feature is the squids using their high priced toys to try to get their 15 minutes of fame. It’s this small group of “no gray masser” that give the sport a bad name.

    3. No mention is made about:
    - How HD and associated bikers who have raised $45 million dollars over the last 10 years for MD research and associated treatments.
    - The many Toy Runs made by bikers for the underprivileged children in their area.
    - The other runs held throughout the years that have benefited the many charities.

    Guess it goes to show that any idiot (or group there of) with a computer and $15 can post a web site.

  9. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    There probably a bunch of ***, baby crying, panty wearing, weenie drag queens.

    Send em all over to Iraq, now they got some real noise.

    Marc G :rolleyes:
  10. Big Ben

    Big Ben New Member

    Mar 26, 2004
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    Kawasaki, Japan
    I agree with pretty much everything on this thread. When did people start getting the idea that their precious delicate little ears are more important than freedom?

    But I gotta say that I think Marc G's comment is over the line. You're seriously insulting the *** community to associate them with these whiners. There are a lot of *** bikers out there fighting the good fight along with us, and they don't deserve to be insulted. (Or, if you feel the need to be insulting, feel free to go into the nearest *** biker bar and tell them what you think.)
    Ignorant bigotry should not be met with more ignorant bigotry.

    Freedom has to mean freedom for everybody.
  11. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Well, Big Ben excuse me :eek: but, that's all the **** here in the Portland area do is whine and moan about this and that to where the normal people are a bit sick and tired of them. I still feel the same way and that's my right. Personally I could give a rats a#$ how anyone feels about there rights.
    I also don't like some *** boy representing the motorcycle community.
    :eek: That's just what we need a bunch of pink motorcycle riders representing the motorcycle community, what's next.
  12. Big Ben

    Big Ben New Member

    Mar 26, 2004
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    Kawasaki, Japan
    Nice to know that the rights of others don't matter to you.
    Remember "First they came for..."

    Well, I don't want some bigot representing the motorcycle community either, but I guess them's the breaks, huh?
    Replace "the ****" with "the blacks" or "the jews" in your comment and it's obvious what you're saying.

    CD, sorry to get into this on your board.
    I'll back off if you say so.
  13. Heritage04

    Heritage04 New Member

    Nov 2, 2004
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    I gave 'em my two cents worth!! :D That was unreal!!! wonder if they have a headquarters? We should plan a road trip! :cool:
  14. Heritage04

    Heritage04 New Member

    Nov 2, 2004
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    By the way,CD,really enjoying those V-H Bigshots Staggered :D !!!NICE!!
  15. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    Noise is an issue

    These guys bring up some valid points. i'm not completely on board and they're a little off base and possibly a bit over dramatic insofar as dealing with the "problem" as they see it. but it wasn't just pertaining to the biker noise, they treat all the other noise polluters the same way. Something I found rather funny was that it is legal to do something recreational in terms of decibles that would be illegal should a person do this in an occupational environment without some sort of hearing protection. I'll fire off an email to these guys and try to let them know that I'm not belligerent...not too badly at least.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
  16. kgc

    kgc New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    The thing that I found most interesting is that that they threw in the "Inside Edition" clip which has nothing to do with noise, but everything to do with trying to impugn the character of the motorcycle community by equating us with those hot dogging squids that they featured.

    While I do agree that some of us are not as socially responsible as we should be (e.g. the use of drag pipes outside of a drag strip). I think that for the most part the sounds of our bikes are no louder than that of any other high performance vehicle on the street today.
  17. Sleepy

    Sleepy Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2004
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    What I hate about this medium is..

    that things can get skewed in a hurry as the written word can be taken literally..too literally and things deteriorate in a hurry. Ben, I know reading the written word you would figure that Marc is some sort of bigot...and if I am to take your word literally you suggested that in your own way in your post. I'm not looking for trouble..believe me. One thing that I find a little difficult to respect is the aggressive manner in how non mainstream "factions" make their claim and state their position upon mainstream society..more often than not this is borne out of necessity but it doesn't make it any easier for us simple folks to understand. The sad part of all this is that if we disagree with the same passion that is being thrust upon us we are pegged as being "unlightened"..happens all the time up here. I won't get too theological here but should a person be so inclined...well, I'll just stick with the "Judge not or ye shall be judged "
    I'm just going to vouch for Marc..as I know him
  18. Goose

    Goose New Member

    Mar 25, 2004
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    Texas Coastal Bend
    Well, I'm with KGC in that I'm not so mad at 'em about belligerence of loud pipes, but about all the stereotyping and putting down of bikers and what we do and how we live and the total ignorance of some of the statements they make. I am also very much against any legislation, of course, or enforcement there of.

    I'm not into loud pipes. I still have the bone stock exhaust on my street bikes. Of course, as Sleepy once pointed out about a certain Valkyrie, a piped wing sounds like a really mean Buick. :D I still laugh about that one. But, most put M4s on their SV650s. I just figure I don't want to attract attention from either the public or the police and an exhaust ain't going to give my SV much extra punch. The stock exhaust is pretty danged efficient. It's got enough motor, though I'd still like to improve handling a bit with a better shock that I could raise the rear ride height with. That's where I'd spend money if I did on it, preferably an Ohlins shock. The thing already handles very well, but raising the rear a bit, a good shock on the rear, and it'd turn in quicker and be a lot better. I'd have to add a steering damper for safety, too, if I do that. But, I have absolutely no desire for a loud pipe even though that little V twin sure sounds Ducati-ish with an M4 system on it.

    The thing about this article that really miffs me off is the stereotyping. I'm not a knuckle draggin' idiot! Idiot, well, that's debatable, I guess. :D But, their putting down of the bike culture like (paraphrasing) "never approach a biker with loud pipe cause they have attitudes and often carry weapons" or some crap. Whadda pansy! Okay, I'll refrain from callin' 'em ***, but they're a buncha pansies!

    Oh, yeah, I do carry weapons, but I don't run around shooting people and wouldn't unless they're threatening to shoot me. I'm licensed by the state of Texas to carry a concealed weapon and I exercise my second amendment rights. With idiots like these running around with their caustic attitudes about motorcyclists, I might have to defend myself with deadly force, if they threaten me first. You can't trust a kook. They're oft times a bunch of loonies and apt to do anything. I'm no different from anyone else that has a CCW permit and carries. I even belong to our local good-ol'-boy gun club. But, I'll bet these idiots have even worse attitudes about firearms than they do about bikes. :rolleyes:
  19. Big Ben

    Big Ben New Member

    Mar 26, 2004
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    Kawasaki, Japan
    I see where you're coming from. I'm sure Marc is a great guy and if we met in person we could probably sit back with some beers and have a great conversation. But those comments sound to me a lot like "those darkies should just stay at the back of the bus where they belong and not make a fuss." It's easy for us straight white guys to think minority groups are being too in-your-face, but when someone's rights are being infringed, it's a little harder for them to be polite about it.

    At every point in the civil rights movement, leaders like Dr. King were told that they were being too strident and that they needed to be more polite and reasonable and patient, but I doubt the progress would have been made anywhere near as fast if they had listened to that advice. So I tend to give those groups a little slack when they seem to be going overboard on the protests.

    I've got a lot of *** friends who are decent, normal, great people, and when I hear people putting them down, I treat that the same way I would when people talk about "the kikes" or "the gooks". These are my brothers and I don't take attacks on them lightly. Respecting people's freedom to live as they please, and standing up for one's brothers are the ideals that drew me into the biker lifestyle, and I find it disappointing when I hear slurs like that from other bikers.

    Just to clarify, I'm not saying Marc is a bigot (I don't know him well enough to judge), I'm saying he made some bigoted comments.

    Sorry for the threadjack, and I hope we can avoid a full scale flamewar here.
  20. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
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    Big Ben, I have a lot of good friends that are Black, brown and all other colors. Heck I've even been known to ride with Canadians :D . I ride with them, go out to meals with them and they are all invited over to my home anytime.
    The *** people here in Portland are probably the biggest, protesting group we have. Yes, these are the ones who have at least here say and have said, we need restrictions on the noise in Portland. They are a big political right wing group and are strong in the mayors office. We here from these bleeding heart crying **** all the time in the news. No, I have no use for them and wished that they would all go some place else. Oregon was I am proud to say was one of the first to ban the *** marriage thing and the reason was is because of all there whining all the time. I'm sure that there are **** out there that do not have the political views as the groups in Portland do and there may even be some here in Oregon.

    Another group that sometimes really concerns me also is the Goldwing groups. I have heard personally from these peoples mouths that loud pipes should be banned. I used to belong to a Goldwing group myself when I had a 1500 Goldwing and many of the people within that group would consistently state that all Harley's as they would say are to loud and we don't like them riding in our group because of the noise. This really concerns me as it should every motorcycle rider because these guys ride motorcycles. I also wonder about some of the other non-Harley groups. Is it just the Harley riders that these people are after I wonder? :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2005
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