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How to change a battery

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by savefuel, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. savefuel

    savefuel New Member

    Jun 2, 2008
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    Hello everyone,
    I bought a used HD Sportster 2005 883c on saturday and on sunday the abttery died(thats what it looks like. The previous owner didn't give me the manual. wondering if someone can guide me in right direction, a how to guide or a manual , so I can change the battery.
    I have put it for charging and its been 11 hrs and it is still charging, I am thinking it might be dead, not sure
    any help is appreciated


  2. AZroaddust

    AZroaddust New Member

    Sep 22, 2006
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    Phoenix, AZ
    I'm not sure if the battery is located in the same place on an 05. I have a 95 and it's on the upper left hand side half under the seat.

    Mine has a chrome box so;
    1. loosen up the chrome strap that keeps the crome lid on. It's a long stud on the strap and its on the rear end of the box hanging down. Feel around and you will find it. Either use an open-end, box, or deep socket to get it loose. If you have a ratcheting box wrench that's the easiest.

    2. Remove the strap, lid, and and the outer "box". It's only 3-sided. The battery is now exposed.

    3. Tilt the battery towards you about 20 dgrees.. (to the left of the bike) That's the only way to get to the nuts to loosen the cables on the posts.

    4. The posts are on the right side of the battery, or on the "inside" from you. Remove the Black negative cable FIRST! If the positive should touch any metal on the bike while the negative is connnected you can cause serious shorts/zaps/blow-up the battery etc.

    5. Remove the RED positive cable.

    6. Tilt and lift the battery out.

    7. To Re-install reverse this procedure including hook up and tighten the RED positive cable first!

    Hope this helps. :gah:
  3. savefuel

    savefuel New Member

    Jun 2, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Thanks, I will try that .
    it is on left side, under the seat, looks like I have to take the seat out first.
    only Red one is visible not the black one.

    are you aware of any website where i can find the manual

  4. jazzhog

    jazzhog New Member

    Apr 25, 2008
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    Here you go brother, theirs nothing like having a service manual at your disposal... "JAZZ":cool:

    Harley-Davidson Motorcycle Repair Shop Service Manuals Clymer Haynes
  5. wvak47

    wvak47 Active Member

    Aug 29, 2007
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    Chas WV
    The 05 is a bit different than the 95. But if you are charging the battery then you have already found it. Once you pull off the side cover look low on the shelf the battery is on you will see the strap bolt. The strap is a bit of a tight fit, but once it is loose you can wiggle it around and slide the battery right out.

    As for a manual don't even worry about the factory user manual. Get on the trail of the Service manual, Electrical manual, and the Parts manual from HD. I got mine from ebay and saved a bunch of change. You can get the 04, 05, or 06 manuals as the bikes are all the same. Mine happens to be for an 06 while my bike is an 05 and I haven't found anything that wasn't spot on. Just did HARLEY SPORTSTER MANUAL in an ebay search and found both an 05 manual with a $30 current bid and an 06 with a $10.50 bid and $50 buy it now.

    A 2004-2006 Clymer manual is on there for $25 buy it now as well. These are good if you can't get the HD manuals but no where near as detailed or user friendly. I got the Clymer first, then went hunting down the HD manuals. Since the HD Manuals came in I haven't touch the Clymer other than to move it out of the way. (One very cool thing on the Clymer is they do a color wiring schematic that is super nice).

    SPORSTERBOY New Member

    Mar 26, 2006
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    spokane, wa.
    And Replace It With The Hd Battery, Still Use'n My Same One In My O3, And Never Been On A Charge.
  7. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    Best to bite the bullet and go to the Dealer/Stealer and get Harley's Shop Manual and their Parts Catalog for your bike. The parts Catalog has all the part numbers and diagrams with order of assembly for your bike. They will help give you a better understanding of your bike.

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