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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Geeza, Apr 12, 2007.

  1. Geeza

    Geeza New Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Gascony, SW France
    It occurs to me that lots of us have hunting down as a hobby, as well as getting a little fresh air on our rides.

    Here in the UK, we go deer stalking, not deer hunting, because hunting is something you do on a horse.:confused:

    Anyway, I'm interested in the way u guys in the US, and elsewhere, hunt. Down in England, it's usually creeping around woodland and sneaking up close (maybe 80 yards if you're really quiet) for your shot. My .243 Winchester is big enough for anything around here, but I suspect that there is some bigger game on offer in the US.

    So, if anyone's interested, I can fill u in on some of the quarry species here, and I'm definitely interested to know what u guys chase in other countries.
  2. ironhorse

    ironhorse Active Member

    Sep 20, 2006
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    I'm everywhere, I'm everywhere
    in wyoming we hunt every thing elk, deer, prariegoats, bear, mountain goats, quail, turkey, all fowl, mountain lion, varmeits, jackalope, snipe, and splittail.:roflmao: they are hunted in many ways, rifle, black powder, bow, trapping, shotgun, and ofcourse the pricey version is with an automobile.:roflmao: some folks hike in and drag out I ride horse, and pack, or hike and pack, some go in on 4 wheelers. and the lazy, non-sporting ones. ditch hunt(illegal by the way).
  3. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    and for all that..... anything from 10m (bow hunting for wild turkey) to 1000m with the 7mm Rem Mag for a white tail dear (that was a long shot and I got lucky...NOT recommended!).....MOST of the time is 70-300m for deer and elk...depends on what you have for cover....and how far you can see.
  4. 2fastnaz

    2fastnaz Moderator

    Sep 30, 2005
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    The Shores of Tonto Creek
    Same here, the only thing you might get a shot on longer than 300 yards on average would be a Antelope. The last one I took (in the 80s) was at 540 yd with a .24-06 wildcat.

    The majority of my hunting is upland game (Gambel's Quail) and Varmints. It's just too hard to get drawn for anything big game here anymore. I'd give just about anything to have enough room for a string of saddle/pack mules. My step brother has a guide business with mules last I heard of him, strictly bears.

    I tried to get into Bow hunting a few years ago and found out I wasn't a very good Indian. LOL

    I assume you've seen my new bird dog Pup??

  5. Texas Road Glide

    Texas Road Glide New Member

    May 23, 2006
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    Galveston, Texas
    we hunt differently here in texas, just ask dick chainy......
    to hunt deer, we use a truck, bow, and a very bright spot light!!!!!:devil:
    been known to hunt dove with an ar-15.......:eek:
    as for fishing, we find dynamite works the best......:roflmao:
    not that i have done any of these things, knowing that would be ilegal, looking down at the ground as i speak, it was'nt meeeeeeeeeeeee, ya it was my buddies, on second thought, heard it from one of my buddies,thats my story and i am sticking to it......

    "vegatarian" an old texas word, meaning lousy hunter

  6. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    I have also heard that the old Army TA 312 field phones (the ones that you crank to make the other end ring) work VERY well for fishing......hook up to phone, drop wires into fish infested water....crank..... I would have NO idea how it works, but I can tell you that if you grab hold of those wires when someone is cranking, is like grabbing an electric wire fence!!! :roflmao:
  7. Geeza

    Geeza New Member

    Mar 22, 2007
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    Gascony, SW France
    Here in the UK we only have 6 deer species. Reds are a little bigger then your white-tail, and they go right down in size to a little dude called a chinese water deer that is smaller than a labrador. At least a couple are in season at any time, and 2 have no closed season. All deer are considered pest species here. We don't draw for hunting - u just find someone who owns the land and usually pay them for the right to hunt it.

    Bird hunting is something again. If u don't know someone who has the land, u can buy your bird hunting but check out these prices - these are the gods-honest truth! Pheasant - USD 40 - 60 per bird shot. Partridge - similar to pheasant. Grouse (u have them in the US, right?) USD 170 - 220 per bird shot. No I'm not kidding!

    I have a buddy in New Zealand (my tribal homeland) who takes people out and just charges enough to cover expenses and a few beers, if any of u guys are interested.
  8. bikerjim1

    bikerjim1 Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Liberty Hill Texas
    Ya'll all forgot to mention a few species we also hunt here in the good ole U.S.....softie tail and trouser trout!....alright, I know.....hangin' my head in shame....:(
  9. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    I like the softie tail myself.....I never hunt the trouser trout personally! :roflmao:

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