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Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by FatBoy2006, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. FatBoy2006

    FatBoy2006 New Member

    Dec 24, 2005
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    Hi i was thinking of putting a hypercharger,Vance and Hines longshots,and a power commander on my 2006 Fatboy 88ci Fuel injected.Just was wondering if anyone had any input on this combo.THANKS!!!
  2. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    The only thing I can offer is an opinion. I personally don't like the Hypercharger. I think they look nice but they stick out so my knee touches it and it aggrevates me. At least that is the case with my buddies Softail.

    For the money of a Hypercharger, you can find a whole plethera of air cleaner/filter combinations that will look nice and perform well. I ended up going with the Forcewinder set up and I like it just fine.
  3. bikerjim1

    bikerjim1 Moderator

    Feb 16, 2005
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    Liberty Hill Texas
    I agree with Max on the breather. I've gone with several different app's, but have found the Forcewinder the best so far. A little costly, but well worth it.
  4. AFBombBldr

    AFBombBldr New Member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    Sandhills of NC
    Doesn't the Forcewinder stick out as much or more than the Hypercharger? Or does it point forward?

    Never seen one on a bike.

    I want to lose the "flyin' football" too, looking for a cover or A/C setup with more airflow and cool factor. Both of those are definitely cool looking.

    I really like the look of Kuryakyn's Hi-Five A/C too, but they told me it doesn't flow as well as the Big Sucker. I wonder if that will make much diff on a Stage I setup though?

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2006
  5. CD

    CD Guest

    The Force Winder turns 90° forward and I think it is actually further in. I liked it on the 2KRK.
  6. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Having ridden bikes with both, I can tell you that it is definately more forward. The part that sticks out the most is the filter itself which is way up front. The elbow part is where my knee would be and doesn't stick out nearly as much.

    Hope this helps.
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    If you like the Hyperchargers looks go for it I had on on the bike for a while, black with chrome insert and flappers.

    Tests show it flows more than stock about the same as the HD SE filter so it will help performance wise.

    Lots of folks harp on them based on the thought that the forced air isnt really a help but remember flow benches and dynos don't run out in 70 MPH wind. So it's not a fair comparison JMO

    Mike Roland is over on HTT if you want to ask him about it he developes the Wild Things Line for Kuryakyn. Pretty sharp guy.
  8. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    Like HRK said Mike Roland, the head of R&D for the wild things performance parts division of Kuryakyn is over on HTT...From reading several of his posts about these, I can tell you what he's told several.

    The original hypercharger is good for about a 90hp motor before it starts holding back on the performance. The simple fix that he suggested, and I went with, is to put the addition of the "Stinger" trap door breather on. This makes the original hypercharger able to keep up with flow for up to 130hp motors. (supposedly they have tested all these numbers on a dyno).

    The Pro hypercharger and the Velocity air cleaners are supposed to be good up to a 110hp motor.

    The NEW PRO-R hypercharger and Hi-Five air cleaners have been test up to 150hp and they haven't yet found the top most limit for these air cleaners.

    I would say that whoever told you the big sucker out flows the high five doesn't know what they are talking about or is lying. The Hi-five air cleaner has a end breather element (as well as the PRO-R and stinger equipped hypers), as well as the normal K&N surface area to feed the motor.

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