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Idle issue/CV Kit installed

Discussion in 'CVP Stage 1 Tuners Kit' started by soldier48, Mar 12, 2012.

  1. soldier48

    soldier48 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    I'm new to this forum and wanted to beg you all for some help.

    I have a 2005 Sportster 883. I installed Cycle Shack slip ons back in 2009. No issues. I recently installed a high flow air filter and started having some Carb Farts and other issues. So I purchased the CV Performance Jet kit. Installed everything per the manual and now Im having some serious idle issues.

    I have to pull the enricher knob all the way out to get it to start. When the engine starts the idle is extremely fast. To the point it sounds like a full throttle open engine. If I adjust the enricher in at all she dies. Tried adjusting the air/fuel mixture screw with no success in alleviating the problem.

    Any help?
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    This could be several things.
    1) Verify that the needle jet did not fall out. This is the stainless steel nozzle that sits above the emulsion tube and protrudes into the carburetor throat. The needle rises and falls inside this nozzle which regulates fuel delivery. Also make sure this needle jet is installed in the correct direction. I will attach pictures.
    2) Check the slide to make sure it moves freely and is not hanging up. If the slide cannot close the needle will remain lifted out of the needle jet thus allowing fuel to be drawn up into the venturi during idle.
    3) Vacuum leaks and connections. Make sure the vacuum line is correctly connected and the MAP sensor on top of the manifold is connected to the wire harness. Switching the vacuum line with a breather line can cause a multitude of problems. Many of the newer models (04-06) have multiple hose connections; vacuum is on top, the other on the side of the carb is a vent for the emissions canister.

    Also worth mentioning, make sure the kit was installed on a carb that has the stock slide (aluminum casting) and not a Dynojet Thunderslide (black composite). These parts are not compatible.

  3. soldier48

    soldier48 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Ken thank you for all of that information.

    I took the carb apart again this morning and checked everything. I seen no problems in the carb at all. The only issue I saw was one of my air filter bracket mounting bolts wasn't fully tightened and it was allowing a gap between the A/C and the Carb mount. I tightened it up to close that gap, and when I reinstalled the carb I put a slight film of Dielectric Grease on that rubber boot so it slide on with no problems at all.

    Still the engine will still only start with the enricher pulled all the way out. The RPM's dont seem to be as high as it was last night but when I adjust the enricher in slightly it will start to drop off, sputtering up and down and after a minute or two it will die.
  4. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Let's try to eliminate a few things and work our way down. There is nothing in the kit itself that would cause the described problem so I suspect something is not aligned or clogged. You may have already verified each of these but I'm just going to list them out in case it is something you came across.

    Slide: Is there any cracking or wear around the edges of the diaphragm? If the rubber diaphragm does not seat perfectly in the groove on the carburetor then it will create problems.

    Slide and needle, order of assembly: When assembling the slide and needle back into the carb make sure the needle goes first into the slide, followed by the plastic spring retaining, followed by the spring. If the previous assembly included any washers, shims, or a rubber spacer be sure to remove these since those are not stock or original. Worth mentioning again, make sure you have the stock slide (cast aluminum) and not a Thunderslide (black composite plastic).

    Carburetor to Manifold connection: There is a rubber boot that seals the carburetor's spigot end to the manifold. It is imperative that this be a perfect seal. If an aftermarket air cleaner has any spacers or offset that pulls the carb slightly away from this snug fit it will cause a vacuum leak. The slightest amount of vacuum leak at this point will wreak havoc on the idle and tuning.

    Vacuum line from top of carburetor to fuel petcock valve. Any leaks in this line would be similar to the manifold leak. Also if that vacuum line is not providing a constant vacuum signal to the fuel petcock it will not be able to stay open and starve the carburetor bowl for fuel.

    Mixture screw: Should be set to approximately 2 turns. Screw the mixture screw in until it gently seats (do not tighten) and then back it out between 1-3/4 and 2 turns. If someone removed this screw previously make sure the mixture packing (spring, washer, o-ring) are still installed on the end of the mixture screw. The o-ring can get stuck down inside the hole so you may need a pick or wire to pull it out. The order of that assembly is Screw>Spring>Washer>O-ring.

    Debris clogging air/fuel passages: This is related to the mixture screw and pilot jet. Both are connected via some tiny passages. If debris gets into these passages then the mixture screw and pilot jet cannot function. To clean the passages, remove the mixture screw, mixture screw packing (spring, washer, and o-ring). Remove the pilot jet. Use compressed air to blow out the passages. There are 3 holes to clean out; the pilot jet passage, the mixture screw passage, and the air intake jet that sits at the front lower face of the carburetor. There are 2 of these holes at the front of the carb facing the air cleaner. Spray some cleaner (rubbing alcohol, carb cleaner) into the pilot jet passage, then apply compressed air to this hole while holding your finger over the mixture screw hole. Repeat the same to the mixture screw hole while holding your finger over the pilot jet hole. Both actions should expel air out of the air intake passage on the front of the carburetor. Replace the mixture packing onto the mixture screw and reinstall. The order of that assembly is Screw>Spring>Washer>O-ring.

    Float level: While typically not an issue unless this gets drastically moved it is still worth noting. Should the tiny metal tab be bent during assembly of the float bowl it could throw off the float level and effect the correct amount of fuel being delivered. Below is a drawing from the factory manual showing the correct float setting. Most people can simply eyeball this setting.

    Also, this may seem rather simple but I've done this myself, make sure you are starting with the fuel valve in the On position and not Reserve.
  5. soldier48

    soldier48 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Man you rock!

    Turns out it was the seal between the Carb/Manifold. I went and pulled it out and seen a tear in it, appears the it rolled and caused an issue with the air like you said. Went to the HD dealer and got a replacement.

    Had it all running fine and took her out for a spin. Just to break down about 4 miles from home in 4 lane road. I pushed it safely out of the way and got it running again. Just to finally break down in a neighborhood.

    I was angry and gave up hope and was going to walk home just as a Gentlemen came out of nowhere and told me he could help. Introduced himself as a Motorcycle Mechanic and I broke down in front of his house! So we pushed her inside and he started working on it. Check everything out, cleaned the spark plugs and tuned the Carb for me. I must say it was an act of God to have me break down right there. I'm very thankful.

    As far as the vacuum line I'm just going to replace it while I'm working with this issue. Going to check out the dealer tomorrow for one.

    Thank you for the help!
  6. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    WOW! Talk about luck!

    So now I'm curious, after replacing the manifold boot seal and it was running fine, what caused the bike to die on your ride? Did the mechanic you stumbled upon say what caused this?
  7. soldier48

    soldier48 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    He said it was like my bike was starving for fuel. So that's what is leading me to want to replace that vacuum line.

    That and he adjusted the air/fuel mix. It was almost like him just going through the motions and double checking everything with me seemed to work. Lastly he also adjusted the idle and told me it was way too low.
  8. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    One thing to check in situations where it seems the carb is starving for fuel is the gas cap. The cap has an internal check valve that allows air to be drawn in to displace the fuel as it is used. If that valve sticks the fuel cannot flow freely from the tank. The best way to tell is by loosening the cap while riding, if it sounds like pressure being released then I would replace the cap.
  9. soldier48

    soldier48 New Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    Shoot, I just installed a new cap this last week too.... Had it cranked down pretty tight earlier today and took it off so that Mechanic could see my fuel level. I wonder if that made the problem worse?

    $39.99 Cap'n Black Vented Gas Cap - Gas Caps - From Licks Custom Cycles

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