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iginition help

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Stupid420, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. Stupid420

    Stupid420 New Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    ok let me try to explain this cause i am lame...
    i have a 05 herritage classic. i had it like 3 months and it started burrning oil. i took it to the dealer and he said he would fix it but he was really bussy and could not get to it for 3 to 4 weeks. i did not want to wait so i tore it down myself. after i tore it down i saw a ton of carbon build-up on everything. at least 1/4" on top of the pistons and the head. i had about 5000 miles on it then. i figured if i am gonna fix it i might as well go LARGE. i had it bored to 95", took it to BC gerolamy and he set me up with some nice heads, heavy springs, and larger valves, gear drive, 590 cam(wood brothers). 10.5-1 forged pistons. s.e. head gaskets. i also have a thunder header, big air, and a power commander. next after break in i took it to the dealer and asked him about upgrading the ecm to stage II, but i told him i did not know about the specifics of the eystem here and what would be the best( as he was remapping the power commander /w dyo tune) well i still have the stock ecm with no upgrade and was thinking that if there was some timing upgrades that would strech out a little more horsepower. right now it has 99.5 hp and 99.8 torque. my question is should i go back and spend the $ for the upgrade to get the most out of the products i already have or is it a waste of time and money? harley wants 200 for the up grade and 300 for the dyo tune.
    please help...
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Remapping the ECM i.e. Stage II will not gain you anything because you can control both timing and fuel with the PCIII-USB. The output you have is low for the configuration. For example, I pull the same amount of torque with 37g cams, stock heads, flat tops, 95" using Rinehart's.

    I the dealer believes he can pull more power out of it with a Stage II, have him guarantee it in writing...sort of a bet. He's right, you pay gladly. He's wrong, you have a free Stage II and some Dyno time.

    I am a bit confused on whether you had it on the Dyno or not?

    In order to verify if he is an authorized Dynojet tuning center go to this link
    Select your state and scroll down to see if he is listed. If he is listed, he has a Dynojet model 250 with the load control and at least one person has been trained at either Dynojet or an MMI school. That is the person that should do your tuning.
    Easy way to tell if the have the right dyno is to get a look at it. If it is a 150-200 model like we have it will look like 200i on this link. Further down is a 250i with the load control unit on the left rear. The load control and the exhaust analyzer probes are what allows the tuner to actually tune the EFI or even carbed bikes. Older dyno's like our 100 (updated to 150) limit the tuning to the same methods we used since they first came out. You read the chart and interpret where you "think" you can gain power or smooth out a section. Not a ton better than "plug chops" but, you get real world numbers rather than seat of the pants guesses.

  3. Stupid420

    Stupid420 New Member

    Jun 16, 2005
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    ok thanx for the info and i did have it dyno`ed the first time and they have a 250i dyno. they are on the list there. wel then i wonder why they did not adjust any of the timing?
    you would think with all the mods it would require some. as well as move the rev limiter up.

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