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ignition system for 01 stage 1 95 cu high compression mod motor

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by aewelder, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. aewelder

    aewelder New Member

    Dec 21, 2004
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    I have an 01 wide glide w/ a 95 cui HD stage 1 modified motor. This has all HD mods which include:bored to 95 cui,44mm CV carb,211E cam,HTCC heads,screaming eagle ignition and thunderheader pipes. I am getting pre-ignition (pinging) when I accelerate HARD. When idling or cruising no problem. I know this is not good for the engine. Looking a various aftermarket ignition systems to solve the problem. Initially liked the dyna TC88 series but S&S has the new $$$$ system out that learns and adjust to engine and driving. Comments,ideas does anyone have the system installed?
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I have the IST S&S system and wouldn't go back to anything else, ever on my 116. Is it expensive, yep, was the cost of my motor cheap, nope, therefore I wanted the better ignition on the motor, don't want to futz with finding optimal timing and the IST does it for me.

    Now if you don't want to drop that dime, and I don't blame anyone that wouldnt, I got a heck of a deal on mine from a guy that couldn't get it to work, he later found a loose upper motor mount that was causing the ignition to sense detonation and retard the timing too much, ( I'm not giving it back LOL)

    The Crane HI-4tc is a very good unit, as is the Daytona Twin Tec, either will do what you want. Rev Limit, timing curve, initial timing, rear cyl offset and delay spark at start.

    Any of these three will work well for you and probably cure the problem the non adjustable HD unit is causing.
  3. CD

    CD Guest

    Well said, HRK... The IST will have competition probably late next year. Finally, some true ignition tuning capability for the carb side.
  4. godot

    godot New Member

    Jul 21, 2004
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    Vista, CA
    I have the Crane HI ignition, without any problems. One just has to read the instructions carefully and adjust accordingly. Regarding detonation, note that there are many conditions that can create it, beyond the ignition module. It takes a good mechanic (not an HD part changer) to find the true cause.

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