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Installing 67-70 sportster inner clutch hub studs

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Mickey, Aug 17, 2011.

  1. Mickey

    Mickey New Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    Hi, any info here wuld be appreciated, thanks in advance.
    The K-model inner studs were spot welded and ground,(maybe peened?) anyway , 67-70 differs in the fact they protrud out the back of the inner hub 1/4 inch or so.
    Been riding with 4 studs, got tired constantly adjusting it so picked up a used one only to find three loose studs, so started searching web to see if locktight would do, nothing anywhere and the local harley dealer seems to have an adversion to putting them in or offering any info.
    So, question is, locktight or some other means to keep them from falling out?
    On a side note, picked up a primary belt drive, I supposed was for the 1968 883 deluxe, Imagine my surprise to see it was a K-model inner hub, aluminum basket, and drive. After-market? or were the deluxe belt drive aluminum, and how did the belt fair with the oil? Thanks.
  2. Lucifer

    Lucifer Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2008
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    Cape Breton NS,Canada
    I would think the studs are an interference fit(pressed in)I'm just guessing though, unless they're threaded in I can't see locktite holding them,maybe chuck could offer some info for you(clutch basket on his Pan could be similar) If you're going to run a belt primary though you'd have to run a dry clutch,the belt wouldn't like oil at all....
  3. cowboy

    cowboy Moderator Staff Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Alvin TX
    If HUD two has three loose studd s pull one out , either pop it out on try to unscrew it , & agree rubber belt won't work in oil
  4. Mickey

    Mickey New Member

    Aug 16, 2011
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    The 67-70 are threaded. Two on this hub are somewhat loose , one is real loose. Doesn't look as if anyone re-threaded any holes.
    As for oil on belt, I sure wouldn't have thought so either.
    But given the way the primary and tranny are oiled, seems like one would get oil on the belt no matter what one was to do, why I asked about it, trap door has holes, oil from that, and the sump from engine case, though I suppose that could be diverted I don't know what mods the 68 883 deluxe had, never saw one. I just assumed it wasn't that much different than a xlch.
    Don't know how many times I thought about putting a wet clutch in it as parts for 67-70 are hard to find, was just never sure how the 70's wet clutch would fit

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