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Installing shocks on FXD

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by lowmileage, Sep 24, 2004.

  1. lowmileage

    lowmileage New Member

    Sep 24, 2004
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    Near the scoot
    Hi buds,
    Finally made the move to the Heavy Duty Progressive 412's. I'm tired of bottoming out with the OL on the bike. According to the Service Manual, installation seems simple enough - do one side at a time, unbolt the old and install the new. Do I have to put a jack under something to raise the bike or is everything going to line up??
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    I usually do the left side first and if I do not have a helper just crank up the pre-load on the right shock to help hold the load. I actually think it is easier to do it this way than get a jack at just the right height and fuss with it.
  3. lowmileage

    lowmileage New Member

    Sep 24, 2004
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    Near the scoot
    I'll tell ya Monday how your method work, Thanks and regards, Fred
  4. lowmileage

    lowmileage New Member

    Sep 24, 2004
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    Near the scoot
    No real problem but I did have to put a jack under the bike to line up the bolt that goes thru the frame. Works fine singly at the lowest setting and for 2-up I just crank it up 1 setting. Much better than using the stock shocks at their max setting. Have to get new fork oil and then I'll put the new front fork springs in. Thanks
  5. larry

    larry New Member

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Hi Lowmilage,
    Larry here. My bike is a 2004 FXD. The shocks aren't adustable. I was wondering what year your bike was? My next project is the shocks. That will come next summer. My wife and I repeatedly bottom out over anything bigger than a crack in the road. I am glad to have read your question and the responses. Now I will have an idea on how to change mine next year.
    Take care.
  6. lowmileage

    lowmileage New Member

    Sep 24, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Near the scoot
    My bike is the same as yours except fuel injected FXDI.
    Your shocks are adjustable. The stock shock has 4 adjustments. See the slots in the bottom of the shock? Get a spanner wrench for about $13 at the dealer (they are made by Drag Specialities), insert in the holes (you'll figure it out) and turn clockwise. Depending upon which setting they are on, when you are at the max setting and try to go higher, they will drop down to the minimum setting #1. I didn't know about the adjustment either and my dealer had them on #1. With 2 up, they bottomed out on everything. Had to go to #4 setting for 2 up. I'm 180# and the wife is 170#. Just installed the HD Progressive 12.6" and with 2 up I certainly will not have to go higher than #3 (out of 5) setting. I'm at #2 with 2-up now & that may even be OK. For just myself I put them on the lowest setting. I think it is much better to run HD shocks at a low setting than to run the stock shocks at the max setting. with the stock shocks even maxed out, I've bottomed out going up my driveway going over the curb at idle speed. I've also bought the front springs from Progressive but haven't installed them yet.

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