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Jetting help tc 95"

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by mckittrick87, Apr 10, 2010.

  1. mckittrick87

    mckittrick87 New Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    ok i got a 95" wiesco 10:5:1 forged domes with port polished heads milled ..0030 SERT arlen ness beather and V H pipes SE 203 cam, its peppy off the line up till 2 into 3rd gear then it dosent pull ..96 ci bike with pipes and breather is staying beside me im running 50 195 could to small of a main jet hold me back ..i didnt start to have color on plugs till i put in the 50...48 left the porcelin around electrode white...im boggled here, this bike should be out running a 96 06 fxst has the goodie kit from cv performnce
  2. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    Plug reading ain't the same as it was before unleaded. Most of today's gasolines have additives including detergents that keep the plugs a lot cleaner, so the tan you'd expect to see "back in the day' now tells you the engine's too rich. And assuming you've got to a CV carb, people tend to go too big on the slow jet, which makes the idle - 2500 rpm range too rich, but from around 2500 on up, it's the needle & the main that matters, not the slow. When the slide raises so does the needle, fuel starts coming up / out the main & the importance of the slow jet fades away.
  3. mckittrick87

    mckittrick87 New Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    yeah i understand that slow jet is down low...im trying to find out what main i should have....i know with the 48 it was if the bike was gitting hot enough that it was evaporating the fuel, didnt want to start after i had been ridding it for awhile with the 50 she fires right up ... any one that has a close set up to this i would like to know what ur running....my heads being ported and polished are real close to head quarters head and i think that could make a diffrence on my main
  4. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    The head work definitely makes a difference & you're unlikely to find someone with the same setup you've got. But you said you're running a 195 main & you could try a 205 - came stock in 1998-2003 XL1200S Sportsters which have dual-plugged SE heads & W grind cams. Biggest off-the-shelf CV main jet I know of.
  5. mckittrick87

    mckittrick87 New Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    that is my next step..i took the 195 out this morning and put in a 200 its the biggest i have and i cant tell a diffrence i have to git my buddy with his 96ci and go run ....we know how these 2 bikes act draging so were going to give it a whirle see where it stands now still wondering if 2 small of a jet will cause my performance to drop....i always heard lean is mean

    the sporty with the dual plugs in the head RUNS GREAT!!! i knew a guy that had one and it would play with a honda v65 i couldnt belive it

  6. ReeseSS

    ReeseSS New Member

    Dec 9, 2006
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    Cape Coral, Florida
    At least a 200 main and a performance needle. It has a different thickness profile and tapering that allows more fuel to get around the needle.
  7. mckittrick87

    mckittrick87 New Member

    Oct 3, 2009
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    i belive i have that ur talking about in the package from cv performance i got a new spring needle and air fuel mix scre

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