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Johnny Boy-Alabama

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by JOHN DESOUSA, Aug 6, 2007.


    JOHN DESOUSA New Member

    Jan 7, 2006
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    Hi...guys....thanks for your "calls".
    Just came back from Spain( Fuengirola) where I went for the European big
    opening. Was very nice....about 37.374 registered!!! Was a crazy week!!!
    Then, I passed by Portugal, and saw the biggest in Portugal bike rally, where more than 40 registered also, but a lot of dust and noise from others....
    But we survived, ME AND MY DYNA-convert.96...and will be back next year to Fuengirola!!
    Now I have several questions:
    1) in low speed, could not get it right. Was caughing all the time, like it was off on the points...
    2) was back firing a lot...I looked at the pipes for broken/open craks, and I found nothing
    3)Was speeling out oil, enough to boder me, and burn my legs. I tought that I had a broken head gasket or so...
    4) I CHANGED THE CARBURATOR RUBBER GASKET FROM THE CARB. TO THE INTAKE, AND THE TWO GASKEST TO THE HEADS, and it seams to me that, did it!! Stop the back firing and stoped doing the caughing in low speed.
    About the oil, still does it, but in a smaller scale.
    Did I put to much oil in, when I changed??
    Main question: The oil level on a Dyna, is on the footrest position, or is when the bike in Up....straight leveled??
    On the footrest position in on the mark(oil stick)...but when is UP has a little to much, for my idea!!
    Please help....
    Ride safe always....andthanks a lot
    Johnny Boy

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