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just back from columbus Georgia

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by voodoo1, Sep 12, 2004.

  1. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    My friend and I rode our bikes down to Columbus Ga. from Columbus Ohio for to watch his son graduate from military school(Fort Benning) and for a warm-up before Daytona trip ;).
    We left Thursay, 9am and 700(and change) miles later around 9pm we were there. The whole ride was great weather!! Speed limit is mostly 70 but the rodes are plenty clear and clean. We stopped several at HD shops on the way back and the one in Chattahoochie is by far the best(IMHO) with selection of bikes and accessories I have not seen before. The town of Columbus Georgia twice a year barracades off their main street and has bands playing outside,all the Bars are open till three with plenty of patio furniture. Anyone down that way,check that shop out!!! The one in Daytona to us was no where near as "good" or layed out as this one.(plus those southern bells and their sweet accents get me everytime :D ) Next trip Daytona during the biketoberfest. Usually go there when there is no one there much nicer to me and really not into sitting in a line of bikes building up heat while posing for the crowds. I'll will however sit back and watch the show though for a while!!! There were alot of Ape hangers and even more BEACH style handlebars in Georgia though very noticeable. I know those don't get ya far without a box of painkillers, but sometimes they still look pretty cool!!!!
  2. coldtoe

    coldtoe New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    the hootch

    You were in my neck of the woods. Chattahoochee Harley-Davidson ( the Hootch, as we call it ) :D is my local dealer and service center, love the place. Next time you plan to pass this way, drop a line. I can fill you in on some prime riding
  3. voodoo1

    voodoo1 New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    sure will nothing like local knowledge for good rides.. Did you attend the event in the center of town that evening?
  4. coldtoe

    coldtoe New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    bikes on broadway

    I didn't get to this year as, along with regular work from 7 -5, I am adding onto the house and building a Harley house as well (special garage...instead of a garage door, I put in french double doors..nothing gets in but my Harley heheheh). I did go last year though. It is, at present, a small regional-type deal, but some interesting rides shown, trikes too, some vendors, bands etc. Of course, it helps that Atlanta is part of the region. Sponsored by Southern Cruisers (MC) and several shops. They're working a little harder each year to get it built up. In year or two, they'll have to move to the coliseum. It can really get whackin' then.
  5. usahellas

    usahellas New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Lawrenceville, Georgia
    Chattahoochee Harley-Davidson

    now i must admit that the Chattahoochee HD shop is really cool. I was there two years ago with my niece when I was at my sisters house.

    Coldtoe if you get a chance and want to see another major hd dealer check out the Stone Mountain dealer. It is worth the ride there just for the t-shirt. :D After coming out of the shop I sat outside on the hood of the car in the parking lot, drank my coke and looked at stone mountain. :cool:

    Stone Mountain is only about 15 minutes away from my brothers house where I usually stay when I am home. :rolleyes:
  6. coldtoe

    coldtoe New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    sounds good

    I'll have to check that out. I've been up that way but never quite made it over there. I tend to get side-tracked easily.....
  7. usahellas

    usahellas New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Lawrenceville, Georgia
    Hope you survived Ivan

    Well I hope that all went well with you and Ivan.

    I know what you mean about getting side tracked. I had a few hours free not too long ago and wanted to take a ride. I got on the bike headed out toward a small mountain range right out behind Frankfurt. I thought drive up to the top talk to a few bikers drive down the other side and try to find my way home. So as fate would have it got to the top, met a guy I had not seen in months had a coffee or two and we drove home together after sitting around bs'ing for two hours.

  8. coldtoe

    coldtoe New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Ivan's main body passed about 60 miles west of us, so not too bad. Actually Opal was worse. Yep...that is the kind of thing I do. I may take off and go until I hit a crossroads, pull over and sit awhile trying to decide which way to turn....
  9. CD

    CD Guest

    I think these are some of the best rides you can have.

    The summer I retired from the AF, I spent most of it riding. Since it was in May to late August it was hot be 10:00 AM so I would get up really early and head out.
    Sometimes I would decide on the destination the night before or while drinking the juice of life (coffee) but the most fun I had was to ride out to the road, flip a mental coin and go left of right. At the next major crossroads do the same thing until I was out of town heading in some direction or other. Sometimes it was a loop through the mountains near the border, other times I ended up making a big loop out west. I began to carrry a small overnight bag for those times I just decided to keep going.
    When I bought the '85 FLT I rode then, it had a pretty well used up set of tires. After about 1500 miles I swapped them out, wore out a new rear and half of another before figuring I better go get a job in late August.
    The best trips I took were those that I had no idea where I was going to end up come the end of the day.
  10. coldtoe

    coldtoe New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    A man after my own heart!

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