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King RoadDog

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Rick, May 23, 2004.

  1. Rick

    Rick New Member

    May 20, 2004
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    What do you think of Roller rockers, S&S? Are they worth the change-out?
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Rockin' N' Rollin'

    Roller tip rockers are a good idea if you are running a high lift cam. The main benefit is that it takes the side loading off of the tip of the valve, reducing wear on the tip and the valve guide and extending seal life. They provide the same benefits in a stock motor but not enough to offset the expense. So, if your wallet can afford them and you are adding a camshaft etc then they do help.

    We do not recommend the versions with needle bearings on the rocker shaft. The needles never go full circle and will dig into the rocker shaft. Also, the bushing provides more surface bearing area to begin with. When choosing, make sure you choose some with replacable rocker tip bearings.

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