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LED mirror help needed

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Porter Walker, Aug 25, 2020.

  1. Porter Walker

    Porter Walker New Member

    Aug 25, 2020
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    I have a 1998 Softail Custom and bought a set of LED mirrors from Jireh and would like to be able to disconnect my stock turn signals from the turn signal module and plug my new ones in, not cutting and splicing any wires.
    Is it possible to get a new connector and pins somewhere? Does anyone know the part numbers? Does anyone know if anyone makes a wiring "kit" to be able to do this? Will I have to get a load equalizer so my signals will flash normally?
    Thanks for any help offered!
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    It's possible you'll need an equalizer, LEDs don't always work well with the older stock TS module. First thing, test the new LED's, just take the open end of the wires and touch them into the connector going to the stock TS. Have someone turn on the bike, hit the TS switch see if they work without an equalizer

    HD can sell you the connectors, any parts manager worth his salt can pull out the manuals for your bike, determine which half of the conector you need and what pins. Should pull the parts list off the ends of the old TS in the manual.

    That being said, you could cut the wires off the old TS and soldier them on
    to the new wires and use them. You could always go back to stock.

    Test the new LED's just take the open end of the wires and touch them into the connector to the stock TS lens, have someone turn on the bike, hit the TS switch see if they work without an equalizer

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