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Lighting Issues

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Berry, Apr 19, 2005.

  1. Berry

    Berry New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Ok here is my problem. I changed the handlebars and relocated the front turn signals on my '04 sporty custom now my headlight doesn't work and the marker lights dont work. turn signals and brake light work normally but nothing else. can i get some help so i can get back on the road at night time
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    Did you splice, cut or modify the wiring? Disconnect at the plug? If you can give us some more details we can probably help narrow it down.

    Some general causes:
    Lost ground on the head light bucket.

    Wires crossed spliced, in the wrong pin etc the service manual will help a ton here.

    Broken wire(s)

    The headlight usually feeds off of a different wire so you may have a simple head light ground problem there.

    You mention market lights? How are they tied in? Part of turn signal circuit or separate or?
  3. Berry

    Berry New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Lighting Issues cont.

    Ok all wires i disconnected and reconnected for the turn signals are correct i triple checked that i didn't touch anything else that i can think of. I don't have the service manual it is at home and I am currently at school otherwise i dont think i would be having as many problems. Is there by chance any fuses that could have been blown im clueless really. when i say marker lights i mean what on a car is considered your parking lights they dont work along with the headlight.
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    You have several pins in the connectors

    There are two turn signal
    two running light

    You have a high low beam as well.

    Does the horn work?

    Will the bike start and run.

    My guess is you have some pins correct others incorrect or, not fully seated in the connector housing. pull the end off the housing and check to see that all wires are fully seated, if not fix them

    Next get a meter and check each wire.

    Turn signal wires should show no power until you depress the switch then it should be on off on off

    Running should show continuous power.

    High Low same as turn, one on when low one on when high.

    Also check the numbers to wire color, those numbers are small.
  5. MPH

    MPH New Member

    Apr 27, 2005
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    New Mexico USA
    Check the wires under the switch. I have seen them pinched and that will do it.
  6. Berry

    Berry New Member

    Apr 19, 2005
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    Lighting issues solved

    Thanks I must have shorted something out and all that i did was blow a fuse.

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