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Lingering problem after removing Terminal Velocity II

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Screamer, Feb 1, 2007.

  1. Screamer

    Screamer New Member

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Brenham, TX
    I have a 01 Road King FI which of course has the Magnelli system on it. I’m having trouble with it stalling at highway speeds. It all started when I installed a Terminal Velocity II on it. I read in one of the posts here that there were a lot people having trouble with the TV II (I had huge problems) and wondered if anyone has this particular problem? I removed the unit but the bike still stalls occasionally, just not as bad as with it installed.
    Any ideas?
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    The Magneto-Marelli EFI used from 96-01 was very sensitive to changes in exhaust, cams etc... The TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) was a PITA and if it is out of whack all sorts of weird stuff happens. The '01 did not have the cam position sensor..luckily as they were a headache on the 00 and earlier models.
    Unless your bike is bone stock, you will need some way to tune the EFI. The Stage xyz flashes just don't hack it. We used my 2KRK for a test bed for many combinations of cams, pipes, intakes etc.... I used the PCII / PCII / PCIIIR / PCII USB and tested the DFO, the V&H Fuel Pak and the Terminal Velocity. I had the best tuning results from the PCIII USB and the TVII. I pulled the most torque with the PCIII USB but the TVII had a lot better cruise MPG and throttle response.

    As for the stalling problem, when does it happen? Any RPM or throttle position? Hot? Cold? What is your setup?

    The Magneto-Marelli EFI can be made to run sweet, just ask SK or Sleepy (grin) but the Delphi is a mucho better EFI.
  3. Screamer

    Screamer New Member

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Brenham, TX
    Stalling problems

    Thanks for the help. My set up is; 95 cu. In, 203 cams, V&H pro pipe, SE A/C with a Power Commander II. My gpm is about 30 at 65-70 mph.
    The problem is only at 70+ mph). I keep adjusting the PC II but it doesn’t seem to help. The bike will be running fine but if I hold a steady speed for a while, occasionally it will just bog down and cough. When I give a little throttle it picks up and runs fine. I can open the throttle all the way and it runs fine. All of this started after I install the TV II. By the time I got 75 miles on the tuner it was running very rich and bogging down on acceleration and 5th gear. Terry Components remapped two other units to try to match my set up but although they got better they still did basically the same thing. After the third unit they gave up and after months of calling they finally gave me 80% of my money back. I went back to PC II but couldn’t get rid of the stalling and even with the remapping, I can’t get the mileage back up. I took it to a Harley shop but they didn’t want to “waste” a lot of my money looking for that kind of problem on a bike with 93,000 miles on it. I guess their strategy worked, I bought the next Screamin Eagle Road King they are scheduled to get but I still need this bike to run in the mean time. I know, now you don’t feel so sorry for me but the FLHRSE isn’t scheduled to arrive until June and I’m thinking I’ll keep both bikes.
    Any ideas?
    P.S. My 01 FLHRI does have a cam sensor and timing sensor on it, I checked them for any kind of build up and they were clean but I do not know that they are functioning properly.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2007
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    That is odd...the cam position sensor was not used on '01 models. It was problematic and not really needed as the crank position sensor was more accurate anyway. The cam position sensor is in the cam chest cover and the sensor leads come out the bottom of the cover. The connectors get dirty and soaked with water so check them.

    If you have a service manual, do the TPS checks or, read this post:

    http://bike-talk.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2616&highlight=throttle position sensor

    A dirty TPS can cause a stumble also.

    If you have a PCII be aware that these only adjusted fuel curve and not timing. The PCIII models are far better and more flexible.

    Which flash do you have in the ECU? Should be a Stage II or, the PCII will not help a lot because the timing map is all wrong for your setup. Also, the TVII will not work properly for the same reason.
  5. Screamer

    Screamer New Member

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Brenham, TX
    Maybe I'm wrong about it being a "cam position sensor" but there is a sensor under the "ignition" cover (it's the only thing under there). It is similar to the sensor at the end of the oil filter that looks at the flywheel I believe. Anyway, that's what I pulled out and checked for shavings or sludge. They were clean.
    I did not check any where else for dirty connections can you explain the location of that part of the sensor you mentioned?
    I have not checked the TPS, I'll do that next.
    I'm not sure about the flash, I had the Big Bore kit, pipes, air cleaner and all that go fast chrome installed when I bought the bike and I never was exactly sure what all they did about the fuel mixture. The bike ran great though, I got about 37 mpg under normal driving. I put the PCII on it and had it tuned but it didn't make any difference on fuel or performance. I took it off for most of the time I've owned the bike until I installed the 203 cams about 18 months ago. I felt like it was running hot so I put it back on and adjusted it myself to a richer setting. Then I put the TV II on and have had this problem ever since. With or without the TV II.
    Thanks again,
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2007
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA

    beg to differ, the one I just 95's has that friggin sensor, caused a problem when we went to gear drive cams, the cam gear had to be spaced out to fit into the sensor or the bike would not run properly.

    Just wondered if it's speed or rpm consistant, would seem like the bike would do the same if you were not getting fuel above a certain RPM.

    I would have the tps checked if it's out like CD said a buttload of weird stuff happens.
  7. Screamer

    Screamer New Member

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Brenham, TX
    It seems to be more rpm related. I can run 4th gear at about the same rpm (no tack so I'm guessing) and it has stalled a little but not as bad. I tried to make it do it setting still by rev the engine and holding it but it never did it. The problem is, it doesn't always do it. I might ride it 100 miles and it only stalls 2 or 3 times. Other times it will stall almost every time I hold the speed steady at 70+. I've held it at 95 mph and had it stall, it has no problem getting up to speed but once you hold it at a steady speed it doesn't like it.
    Wants to either go fast or stop. It does pop sometimes on deceleration.
  8. Screamer

    Screamer New Member

    Jan 31, 2007
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    Brenham, TX
    This issue has grown cold but if anyone is interested, I fixed the problem of the bike stalling. I did not make the changes one at a time at and then test the bike because my battery died and it was raining, cold and dark when I was working on it.
    I remapped the Power Commander II to a very much retarded setup. Then I changed the throttle body for one I purchased on Ebay with new injectors and sensors. It was supposed to have very low miles and in fact looked like it had very low miles. I installed a new battery and rode it all weekend, the bike ran great.
    I suspect the TPS or possibly an injector was bad???
    Thanks for the help.
  9. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    glad ya got the problem worked out....i have heard of different sized injectors...they had two different cone angles....maybe that was the problem
    thanks for theinfo
  10. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    Great to hear it! Thanks for coming back to let us know, I'm sure it may come in handy for someone in the future.

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