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Looking to get a new Carb, any suggestions?

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by js00hd, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. js00hd

    js00hd New Member

    Jun 8, 2005
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    Hey all,
    I have a 2000 Fatboy, Kuryakin Hypercharger, Python 3 Pipes, and a DAYTONA TWIN TEC PLUG-IN IGNITION MODULE. I am looking for a little more out of it now and I was told that the Mikuni 42mm is the way to go. Any one have any other suggestions or is this the best for performance.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    The HSR42 Easy kit will give you the best bang for the buck. S&S super E will give you some more WOT and top end but, less mileage and throttle response can be tricky.
  3. maxpower_hd

    maxpower_hd Active Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    I have had three Mikuni carbs now. I have never had a problem with them. They are easy to install, usually run good right out of the box and are easy to tune. They're a little pricier than the S&S but, in my opinion, well worth the extra few $$$. You can also adjust the idle on the fly quite easily if needed.

    Good Luck!
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    They're only pricier if you go total kit. the Easy kits are a lot cheaper and are a bolt on.
  5. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Not to be the party pooper but a cv 40 will handle quite a bit of power on your motor, you can probably run it up into the low 90's high 80's on hp. Until you get into a big bore, new intake, heads and cams you can probably run the same carb.

    The mik is a good carb, throttle response will feel better, it will have a little rattle (mik slide rattle) but it's nothing to concern over.

    FWIW I'd invest in a set of ANdrews tw26a cams with your 88 before I'd pop for a new carb, and CD can set you up with those cams. I think you'd see more power for the $ spent and the cams will work with a mild big bore setup as well.

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