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Loose spokes

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Tnicean, Dec 17, 2005.

  1. Tnicean

    Tnicean New Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    My buddy bought a new Road kIng Classic back in May after he saw my Heritage and decided it was time he had a Harley. He had the 5000 mile service done at the dealership. He just went over 8K miles and called me due to the bike feeling like it had a low tire or wobble when coming off the throttle. Tire pressure was checked and ok. I told him to get it to the shop quickly as it could be bearings or something. Turns out it was loose spokes on the rear wheel. The shop told him it was not a warranty item and the cost would be $180 to true the wheel and adjust the spokes. I told him that the spokes should have been checked at the 5K service and there was little chance that they would have loosened up if they had been checked. I don't think the service technician did the check on the spokes. I don't know if he was able to talk the dealership into fixing it without charge or not. I should talk to him in a couple of days. Any one here have their spokes come loose like that?
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i have been on harleys since 67. yes spokes do loosen up. it is something that should be checked at every service . i also check inbetween services. there are many ways that spokes come loose....most from the way a rider rides his bike, and also where it is ridden. rough roads, potholes, wheel stands, excessive acceleration, and general riding. just like the lugnuts on your vehicle, spokes should be checked often.......and i am not sure that loose spokes would be an item under warrenty, as the dealer cannot control how or where the bike is ridden. it is an easy fix if the the the loose spokes are caught before they start to cause rim distortion. actually spokes should be checked before each ride.....but that is seldom done. an easy check it to jack the wheel off the ground and spinn the wheel, with a small stick, like a popsicle stick, place the stick on the spokes and listen to them. they should all have the same "ring" to them.....takes about 2 minutes per wheel.....the procedure to tighten are explaned in the service manual, which it the best tool in the tool box....
  3. Tnicean

    Tnicean New Member

    Dec 17, 2005
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    Thanks Chuck. I guess my point was that I don't think the tech checked the spokes at the 5K service. I don't think they could have loosend up that much in 3K miles if they had been checked. Anyone else wonder if they are getting what they pay for at the dealer when you take your bike in for service? I plan to start doing my own now that my Heritage is not under warranty any longer. That way I'll know how the service is done.
  4. CD

    CD Guest

    Ya Gotta wonder sometimes. I haven't had mine back since the 500 mile. My partner took his in for the 20k and the did not lube or adjust cables and probably skipped the fall away chack as it was sticky as all get out.
  5. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    i am the same, after the 500 mile check, i do all my own and keep a log of what is done and at what milage and date.....documentation is the only way to go........just in case

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