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Man down...in the dirt.

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by Red Rider, Aug 10, 2018.

  1. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    I took my Suzi DR650 out to the brush country Wednesday, pre-season scouting for antelope. Not that I should have any problem finding 'em during the season, but hey, it is a reason to ride.

    I needed to escape. My dog died Tuesday. Just too old for his kidneys. Anyone who has lost a pet, especially one they've had for over a decade, knows how much it sucks.

    Having ridden to bingo (the fuel state point that means turn back now or run out - military lingo), I made my way back to the pavement in the 100 degree weather. Since I had my Camelback canteen on, I wasn't too bad off - plenty of water. On the "Loneliest Highway in America", HWY 50, I had two big tractor-trailer trucks race up to me at over 85mph (I was doing just over the 70mph speed limit - needed to mind my gas consumption). One starts to pass me while the other is so close to my rear that I can see nothing but grill in the mirrors. Then I see oncoming traffic that the truck won't beat. I couldn't slow down (tailgater), so I hit it and got separation, especially when the psycho truckers had to avoid the wreck and then climb the grade at Silver Springs Pass. Since I didn't want to deal with the trucks again and couldn't risk running out of gas, I decided to take advantage of a turn-out area and let the sh7ts drive by.

    Safe, logical decision. Didn't pull my .40 and blast them - mainly 'cuz I forgot to bring it, oops. Didn't try to let them pass me while I rode the centerline. So how does my safe and sane act reward me? Not more than a dozen feet onto the turn-out, the bike goes down hard on gravel. So fast I still have no idea what happened. Shoot, been riding dirt and gravel for hours before that. Just not my week

    So, whatever/however, I'm down 30 miles from town and with my left foot pinned. Some road-rash (dirt rash?), too, but had worse. Foot was not happy, but I did manage to get up and, with a lot of effort, get the bike back up. Seems my Camelback cushioned the fall real good. Mirrors were a little out of sorts, but the bike started up pretty quick so I was off to town.

    Turns out I only sprained my ankle. An ugly sprain, doesn't feel like an "only", but could have been worse.

    So the moral of the story? Next time I'll bring extra gas with me, 'cuz then I could have outrun the trucks all the way home, or at least to a better turn-off. Or my .40?
  2. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    We lost a beautiful Golden to kidney failure. She was a truly perfect dog. Never any bad behavior and grew up with our kids. It was heart breaking so I know how it feels. I am sorry for your loss.
    I've noticed over the years (66) that the "professional trucker" has died off and azzholes drive the rigs now. Of course I'm generalizing and I don't mean to offend the responsible truckers out there but they are certainly in the minority now, at least around this part of the country. Since retiring I drive a schoolbus. I can't believe the lack of respect and total disregard by ALL drivers including big rigs. I've been passed on the right shoulder with my doors open and lights flashing by 18 wheelers (as well as four wheelers AND two wheelers also! By far the worst offenders are BMW's, Infinity's, Lexas and M Benz's in that order. I'm sure it's just a reflection on the whole state of affairs this country is in since, in my opinion, Obooma was prez. There is a ton of angry Americans ready to off other Americans. I hate to think or say it but a nasty attack by another country may unite us again against a common enemy. But I digressed, sorry. Glad to hear your not worse off from the spill. Sprained ankles suck but...
    Red Rider likes this.
  3. badinfluence63

    badinfluence63 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    New England
    Yikes, close call on the bike. Glad it wasn't worse.

    You should pick up one of those 1 gallon saddle bag containers or even a 2 gallon aluminum tube containers.

    Sorry about your pooch. We've lost more than a couple dogs over the years, one living till 14! They're just gone way to soon.
    Red Rider likes this.
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Sorry to hear about your dog, yeah I've buried couple,
    not easy, wasn't getting another but the daughter decided
    otherwise so I'll end up doing it again.

    Glad you could get up and ride away, look into the travel gas
    cans, they hold a gallon and fit into bags, no spill. CA Phil
    sells them I think. They become your reserve reserve..

    Yeah I'd image a 40 pointed at his windshield and you'd hear
    a jake brake....
    Red Rider likes this.
  5. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Well, turns out my luck was a little worse than I thought. My knee has swollen to football size and painfully wiggles like a '70's waterbed when touched. Ankle is still swollen, and - yippy!- everything hurts more than the day I dumped. Back to the doc this afternoon, gotta find out what is with the knee. The actual bleeding wounds are looking better, so that is a plus...gotta be happy with the little things, I guess.

    Meanwhile, my King is sitting in the garage, lonely. :banghead

    With my dog gone, I have plenty of time to ride now...if only I could.:mad:
  6. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Adrenaline dump you get during these things is out of your system
    that masks a lot of the pain,

    Get to the doc and get the mri etc pain pills, antibiotics you need.
  7. charlie46

    charlie46 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Melbourne Fl
    Good advice HRK. In 09 I got rear ended at a stop light on my SGlide should have gone to get checked out. Now I'm hurting because of it.

    Sent from my LM-X210(G) using Tapatalk
  8. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    I guess I should have added that I rode it to the ER on the way home after it happened. Tetanus shot, but no anti-biotics unless infection shows up. Already had the follow-up. Today is the first day that I could honestly say it is all finally getting a tiny bit better. Doc say another week idle, and in the compression boot for a couple more after.
  9. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    That sitting around is probably worse on ya than the pain LOL
    Red Rider likes this.
  10. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    Tried to ride the Road King a couple of days ago. Mistake. Ankle wasn't ready. Still did 10 miles, but just getting the kickstand up & down was a bear. Since I have to have my legs for hunting soon, I'm just gonna take it easy now. Getting better everyday, just not fast enough!!!!
  11. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Listen to the doc, don't push it, you can end up with worse
    problems and take longer to heal...

    For now you should only sit in the recliner, have cold
    beer and sammich's delivered to you
    Red Rider likes this.
  12. badinfluence63

    badinfluence63 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    New England
    I feel your pain. Got a stinger last week still bothers me.

    Between rain and work I was getting behind in my yard work. I have a lot of yard..probably 3 1/2 - 4 acres to be precise. Finally Tuesday last week, I managed to get to the dump and start on the grass. First phase is to do close by the house with the lawn mower and weed whacker. The freaking ethanol, no matter what I do ( star tron additive, new plugs) keeps fubaring my lawn mower. I'm pulling,pulling,pulling, pulling that dam cord with no luck. Take out the spark plug (shoulda bought new ones when I was in town) and it was black nasty. Cleaned it off, sanded the important parts, put it back in and lawn mower would start but only run a few minutes. Back to pull pull pulling the freaken cord again when all of a sudden TWANG and my right forearm is in pain! Long story short I can't even write because the slight pressure kills, never mind pushing or pulling. Have to brush teeth with left hand. Frustrating. Pretty much limited what I am able to do and I have soooo much on my plate. WTF the getting old stuff is not for the weak of heart! I did manage to use the tractor to cut 90% of what I needed to but its not pretty.

    Chomping at the bit to do things but its a slow grind to healthy. Its been 9 days and while its better i'm still limited. It sux.
    Red Rider likes this.
  13. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    This is what I now do when an engine will be laid up for a few months; Stabilizer into the tank. Run the engine with that making sure that is gets into the burn. Shut off the petcock and start motor. Run it until it starves. Pump the choke or primer try to start. Once it won't run any more I drain the float bowl and gas lnes
    Empty tank. I then leave fuel cap loose to vent enable last bit of gas to evaporate and to keep condensation out. That freaking ethanol and moisture and crap it carries clogs the tiny ports in the carb if left in it.
    Come spring a fresh tank of gas and my Honda mower usually takes ONE freaking pull. Sometimes two. My one son is a bike and small engine tech. He sees your problem all the time. New carb or boil old one out.
    Red Rider likes this.
  14. charlie46

    charlie46 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2010
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    Melbourne Fl
    Or.. buy a couple goats.
  15. badinfluence63

    badinfluence63 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    New England
    Today i drained the gas tank bought non ethanol gas to put in it, new spark plug and it rain rough at first. By the scond tank full of non ethanol gas it was running strong. Guess i'm gonna just have to use non ethanol gas in yard equipment. Non ethanol gas is just not every where. They have cannisters of it in home depot and autozone.

    Use to have goats. Little suckers are a Nuisance. Once i left my car window open and she jumped in and ate my nspection sticker off the window.
    Red Rider likes this.
  16. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    BI, I saw your yard and feel your pain, too! Your grass also grows a whole lot more & faster than mine - high desert living has benefits.

    Couldn't wait any longer and road the King about 150 miles yesterday. Sweet. Paying a bit for it today, but last night was worse so I am getting better.

    The ethanol fraud is just that. But what the heck, it keeps the corn belt in business. All stations should carry non-eth, but the phony enviro-nazis won't have that. They'll do anything to make life harder for regular folks. They are basically unhappy people, so we all should be, too. Frickin' "libs". Liberal with our $, and with reducing all of our freedoms.

    If California would stop burning, I'd make a run up the PCH, but I'll have time later. Big game tags to fill first, then I'll get to it. One speed-goat down already, more critters to follow. Freezers need filling with that fine, wild game.

    Most of my scabs are off now, from my mishap, and that is good. I keep running into people that see my healing wounds and tell me that is why they stopped riding. Some tell me I should stop. I like the ones that just proudly show me their scars - and then their bikes. I know when I'll quit, and it won't be when I can still reach the bars, shift the gears and put a foot down at the stop sign.

    Ride to live, live to ride. May seem like BS to some, but it will always be my way.
    badinfluence63 likes this.
  17. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    I agree with you about having the option to buy non-corn fuel. On the flip side my truck is FlexFuel and I just love buying e85 at a buck less than regular 87 octane. I do lose about 3 mpg over regular gas but in doing the math I still come out way ahead. I exclusively run it and it saves me lots of green backs and I haven't had any issues due to it. Unless I hear about some issues with it, I will continue to enjoy the savings and 105 octane! There is however a shortage of places that sell it. That being said, I ask why? those govt azz holes are pushing 10% and now 15% gasohol. Why aren't they pushing e85? I figure the American driver may be afraid of it?!?! Or, shortage of manufacturers building engines that can burn it?!?! Or, theyd rather throw billions at companies that are pushing electric?!?! Most of them don't give a rats azz about American pocket books. And I as far as protecting the environment, a 1970 Caddy still running today has less of an impact on the earth than the building of a Prius. (at least according to a few studies I've read.) JMHO
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2018
    badinfluence63 and Red Rider like this.
  18. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    If you are waiting for the government - any government - to do things that make sense, well, it will be a long wait. A free-market - with government/real free press oversight so we are all aware of abuses and have the power to correct them - is the only way to go. Unfortunately, the bulk of the press is siding with the fear-mongering elements of government (the ones that forsake duty to the citizens over job security, especially when real work is hard) that are bent making this country just another sh*thole - for "our sake". They know not what they do...for the most part. I could go on, but anyone over 30 gets it, or at least has no excuse not to. Our President, for all his human flaws, is still clearly trying to do what is best to restore our country to execute the principles that made us the bastion of freedom that it has been. A place where a person can earn their own security and to have the things that make the world better. Too many don't want to earn jack-diddly, they just want. So government grows, while freedom shrinks.

    I have no desire for anarchy. I remain sworn to preserve and defend our Constitutionally constructed, democratic-republic founded country. But now that treason and immorality has become fashionable, what next? Thank the Lord that I'm old, and not likely to see the U.S. destroy itself in my lifetime. Maybe things will get better, too. Not impossible - heck, Clinton was s'posed to be President. Miracles still occur.

    For anyone that is offended by my support of Trump, with his B.S. alleged Russian collusion, why don't you care that the Chinese own the DNC and that whole party? And have for decades. Guess that isn't worth any outrage. They only have our best interests at heart, right?

    Maybe I will just go "gentle into that good night". I didn't sow what is still to be reaped. If the wolf comes to my door, though, he'll be making a last mistake: a country boy can survive. (Thanks to Hank for that!)

    Probably should be in the Soap Box! See, this is what happens when I can't ride enough! Ya'll be safe out there, but not so safe you aren't free.
    badinfluence63 and Slimjim like this.
  19. Fatboy128

    Fatboy128 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2011
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    Long Island, NY
    You had to bring that name up (Clinton). Enough. Time for my beta blocker pill
    Red Rider and badinfluence63 like this.
  20. badinfluence63

    badinfluence63 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2010
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    New England
    Trump supporter here. Since his elected Presidency he brings the best out of the libs,dems and voters who want free stuff while flushing America down the toilet. I'm enjoying the s*it show.

    The silent majority listens, aren't stupid and vote.
    Red Rider and Fatboy128 like this.

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