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Manifold attachment/alignment

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Flash, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. Flash

    Flash New Member

    Feb 7, 2005
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    Does anyone out there know what the proper procedure is for
    installing an S&S carburetor super e intake manifold to the heads on a 1980 shovelhead? I must be missin somethin as I've read the ink off the pages of all associated instructions/manuals with no specifics. The o-rings are
    slightly smaller than the circumference of the flanges on the intake
    manifolds & it's **** near impossible to install the clamps. Matter
    of fact the manifold won't go on if the clamps are attached first.
    Help anyone??

    Thanx, ~Flash~
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    I can only speak of Evo and Twin cam as I haven't futzed with a shovel, however, raise the tank and remove the horn get all the room you can.

    You should have markings on the manifold flanges one front one rear,

    I slip the flanges on the manifold and then the rubber o-rings, narrow side toward the intake, they will allow some movement but the o-rings should be tight.

    Then I put the lower rear bolts in place and slide the manifold and flanges over them, and thread the front bolts, then work around the manifold to tighten them down, some front then rear. Keep the manifold level.

    Thats about it sorry hopefully CD will jump in.

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