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Maybe i jumped the gun any advice

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by garye5007, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. garye5007

    garye5007 New Member

    Jun 4, 2007
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    Hello! I have a '06 883c sporty and on impulse i ordered a stage 1 cv carb upgrade from harley performance (after reading about how much better it will run) ... i still have about 1 year warrenty left from stealer. i plan on changing air cleaner and more free breathing exhaust (i really hate the sound of that stock exhaust). maybe i should return the kit or hang on to it for a year?
    it doesn't really run THAT poorly.. coughs a bit . a little rough idle.
    any advice?
  2. voodoochild

    voodoochild New Member

    Dec 8, 2006
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    Stanton, NJ
    Sh*t, i had my stage 1 kit installed before the bike ever left the stealership. It's never too early to start on mods for your bike. The warranty is only as good as your stealer wants it to be. I had my bike in 2 or 3 times because it pulled to the right when i rode with out hands. The made up some bullsh*t excuse about the rake, blah, blah, blah. It turned out to be that the motor wasn't properly aligned in the frame, they just didn't want to fix it. My 2500 mile service that was supposed to be included under my warranty....cost me 400 bucks! F*ck the dealer, the stage 1 won't void your warranty as far as I know, plus your bike will run better, and sound better. Plus, if you do the work your self, it will give you some pride in your scoot. JMO.

    Good luck!
  3. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    adding a stage one should not effect your warranty. caution on the pipes...dont use drag pipes, you need some restriction or it will not run worth a crap............

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