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Medicine Wheel

Discussion in 'Trips N' Trails - the ride is the adventure' started by pococj, May 10, 2008.

  1. pococj

    pococj New Member

    Apr 30, 2006
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    East Texas
    While I was wandering around the country back in ‘81, following my front wheel, I stumbled on an out-of-the-way site, Medicine Wheel. It’s located up the side of a mountain in northern Wyoming, just off US Alt 14, in the Big Horns. I followed a dirt rode up the mountain and spent several days just looking the place over. The whole time I was up there nobody else came around that I saw.
    Not much is known about the whats and whys of the place. It was a lonely, beautiful site, though. The Medicine Wheel is a group of rocks placed in a circle, probably for religious reasons and most likely had something to do with telling when seasons started and ended.

    I was a seeker back then, dissatisfied with my life, and just wondering why I was here. Part of the reason for riding around the country was to “find” myself. I wasn’t in any hurry, willing to look into some pretty strange cracks and crevices, just to see what or who might be in there. Medicine Wheel was one of those places. My short stay there left me feeling very lonely, but refreshed and looking forward to continuing the journey.

    I’m not much into ghosts, spirits, and such, but this place was haunting. It’s up around 10,000 feet and above the tree line. You can look out at the far horizon in a 360 degree circle. When I’d sit up through the night I’d feel the presence of others. It just seemed like there was somebody around, sitting and watching with me. Kind of spooky, but strangely reassuring.

    I’m told it’s been turned into another tourist attraction, but that is the way of things. As a people we sometimes look a thing to death. I can’t imagine going there now without feeling that something is gone forever. Some might think that is selfish, that others ought to be able to see the place, too. That’s probably somewhat true, but if we “see” it to death, have we not lost the “thing” that was the place to begin with?

    If some of y’all head out to Sturgis this year, take the trip over into Wyoming and tell me what you find. Look for a lonely place, sit a spell, and let the land talk to you. Be still! I promise you’ll be a better person for having done it. Then climb back aboard your bike, crank it up, and ride. Take some of the stillness with you, held in your heart where you can find it whenever you need.
  2. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
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    cool post! thanks.....................:)
  3. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.

    I was there 20 years after you. 2001 on my way to Sturgis. I think it's is called 14A and it is a great road. After the turn off to Medicine Wheel there is a guard half way up the dirt road so you have to walk about a half mile and you can't stay the night up there unless you are a native Indian. I was there all alone and I agree it seemed like someone was there watching you. Very peaceful and I could only wish I could have thrown the tent up for a night. That would have been great. But it is still there and I think it is in the same shape you saw it. It's not much to see except where it is on top of and in the middle of the Big Horn Range. And they say it is at least 2 thousand years old.

    Going east after the Medicine Wheel there is a great lodge you can stay the night at and a place to pitch a tent. I forget what it's called but you can't miss it since there is nothin around there anyway. This place has a dinner, a shower, rooms, and a big grassy field for tents... Oh yeah! and a bar. Don't forget the bar.

    It is one of my fondest riding memories too.
  4. Tomflhrci98

    Tomflhrci98 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2004
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    So. Cal.
    Pictures - Thank God for memory sticks

    I've got pictures 360 degrees around this place. Does it still look the same?

    I found a pic of The Bear Lodge Resort on 14A. I am sure that was kind of new back in 2001. I highly recommend it for a evening destination.

    Attached Files:

  5. mwelych

    mwelych Active Member

    Apr 19, 2006
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    Charlotte, NC
    Sounds like I wanna hit that place sometime in the near future... Thanks guys!!!:)

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