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Might visit the USA, where to hire a budget bike?

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by NeilP, Nov 9, 2010.

  1. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Hi all

    I have never visited the USA and have been considering it maybe next year...maybe a 3 week trip...no idea where yet or when

    Would so love to hire a bike for the time and do maybe 4 or 5 thousand miles...or less or more...whatever.

    Trouble is all the prices I have seen on the net are way, way above what I could ever afford....$160-$190 USD per day..$1800 for 14 days.
    Is the anyway to hire abike cheaper than that....or what could I buy a cheap and ratty Glide or classic for? something with the hard rear box, a screen and side boxes. I then could consider sending it back home to Jersey when I am done...

    What about camping in the USA...can I just pull off the side of the road and find a quiet spot to pitch a tent? or are there different local regulations? all over the country? I have travelled in Oman, New Zealand and bits of Africa and always been able to just pull up find a spot and camp for the night...what are you rules and regs regarding this?

    Any thought ideas welcome

  2. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
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    Churchill County, NV
    If you're looking to rent an American bike (H-D, Victory) that is well maintained and likely to be trouble free during your travel, those prices are reasonably accurate (though a little on the high side). You'd likely not be able to buy a decent ride without putting out much more money, even with the great deals that are plentiful these days. You probably could find a great deal on a used bike here that would be worth transporting back to the Empire, but that would likely be in the $6K-10K range.

    As to camping, it really depends on which region of the USA you are in. There are laws in many states, of course, but they are less of an issue than one might think. It really comes down to are you upsetting someone or not by camping at any particular spot. Generally the further west you go, the less likelyhood that anyone would care until you get to California. You'd be better off linking up with folks along any intended route if you're trying to save significant money.
  3. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    10,000 dollars for a bike would not be that bad...I have been looking at a 10 year old Ultra glide over here with I think 12,000 miles on it, that was selling for $24,500 US dollars, so to get something reasonable in the 6-10 k dollar range would be great...even if it cost another $2000 to get it back home.

    If I could find a bike (harley) with the rear box and hard saddlebags, and a screen for the prices you mention...even if it is 10-15 years old and the paint work was looking a bit shabby then I would have to consider it. I so want to trade up from the Sportster, but not at the prices I see over here.

    As for the camping, thatnks for the info. I turns out I know people in Nebraska, the father of a work collegue...I showed him around our little island here, when he was over and I have an open invite to go stay at his...apparently he is a harley rider too, so I may be able to get him to look out for me.

    Just off to Google a map to find out what part of your country nebraska is....;)
  4. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    You should check with various rental companies and see if they
    have a weekly or monthly rate...

    HOG members get "fly and Ride" rates that are less, so if you are
    a member of the Harley Owners Group take advantage or join...

    You could easily buy a bagger in that price range probably an early 2000 to 2006
    Classic or Road king Buddy just traded his 05 RK for $10K to get a new RG.

    Camping in the US isn't a problem, we have KOA campgrounds, all over the US, I think you can get a value card that gives you 10% additional off, you can pitch a tent without a problem and they typically have a hot/cold shower facility, some have pools, nice places and well known.

    Get a GPS from Garmin with the USA maps and made to hook up to the 12v on the bike
    and you can download the KOA locations as Points of Interest, setup your route and
    see the USA.

    There is a ton to see here, it's a big friggin place, tough to ride it all,
    You might want to select a region and see more of that area vs high tailing it
    at warp speed and covering a lot of ground...

    Here is a link on Ebay to an 07 Ultra Classic with a buy it now price of $11,950
  5. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Neil, there are camp grounds by the thousands here in the USA, especially out west. KOA is good and there are literally hundreds of private campgrounds just like the KOA's, just strap a little two man tent and a sleeping bag to the bike and your set. As for camping anyplace I probably would not recommend it. This is in large part do to state restrictions mostly do to fire regulations. Because you can't carry a firearm I wouldn't just camp anyplace off the side of the road because of other people and in some areas bears. May not be a problem with animals, we did have an encounter once with a Mountain Lion and got yelled at once cause the other couple riding with us left food inside their tent in Yellowstone park again Bears.
    We have hit the road with no reservations at anyplace and have always found camp grounds with no problem. Some have showers and others are primitive (no water, no electric).
    One good thing about campgrounds many times you meet up with some really cool other people.
    If you decide to buy a bike and if its close to anyone of us I'm sure all of us would be happy to check it out for you.
    Like said this is a big country and you can't see it all so pick out some areas you want to see. From Nebraska, which there is not much to see you can head North and ride through the Black Hills areas of South Dakota and even head into Montana, parts of Wyoming are good Northern Idaho is great.
  6. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Hey guys, thanks for the tips. I had wondered about animals, and had considered a firearm, but did not imagine a tourist would be able to get a certificate / licence very easily, even bringing copies of mine from home. Am sure I would not be able to bring my 357 over

    Definetly no intention of trying to get round the whole country..well not in 3 weeks anyway. Had always considered takking a year out once the house is paid for and doing that, but for now, just a relaxed look around a smallish area. Being able to do something like Sturgis...or actually preferably for myself a smaller rally would be good.
    I do not like the towns/cities, much prefer to be out in the open. Since I have no plans as to where we will go yet, I could even base the trip on visiting a few of you guys......any taker for a couple of freeloaders from a small island? ;) I have not even discussed this with my partner yet, but I am 100% sure she would be up for it

    I have a Garmin Zumo (650 I think) at the moment, I did have TomTom but was not that keen on it...Now I have the Zumo....I can see the good points the Tom Tom had.

    It is good to know that there are bikes around in the sort of price range we are talking about. In the coming months, if anyone does come across a good deal in a tourer, let me know.......initially probably nothing will come of it, but who knows
  7. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    Well I'd have no problem checking out a ride for you...
    The Zumo will do well.

    As said we'd be happy to have you come over...

    I'll have to check with the gun sites I"m on as to the feasibility of
    having a gun with you, in most states you do not need a permit to
    keep a gun locked in a moving vehicle (some you have issues like Illinois, in New Jersey you can have a gun, unloaded, locked up but not on your side concealed)

    If you do an "out West" plan I'd fly into LA from London or Paris if it's possible.
    Buy or rent in LA then return or ship from there. The US West is vast and a lot of room between cities and has fantastic places to visit.

    If you do the east coast you might break it up to either the SouthEast/Mid Atlantic
    or A north eastern tour.

    I"m sure we could put together a good list of roads and locations to visit.
  8. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    First of all...like the new avatar...that is a helmet and beard to be proud of!!

    As to where....well...we have cousins in Canada and my father used to be a 'fur trader' outpost manager up north in Canada...James Bay area...so that is waht initially prompted the thought so going to USA/Canada hiring a Harley/and or Cessna and visiting the places my father worked...but now the idea has grown...there are so many possiblilities...so many places to visit..and so little time...only one lifetime.
  9. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Neil, your always welcome here with us in Oregon. If you don't like big cities flying into LA could be a bit intimidating to say the least.
  10. Red Rider

    Red Rider Well-Known Member

    Jul 5, 2006
    Likes Received:
    Churchill County, NV
    Being a POME/pommie, (I know, you probably don't consider yourself a Prisoner of Mother England, but my Aussie friends say ya are if you're from England) you'll probably touch down in our eastern USA, but if ya find yourself out in the western Great Wide Open, I can spare ya room & grub for a stay. We can even change your oil here (Abby did).

    Cheers, mate!:cheers:
  11. chucktx

    chucktx Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 5, 2005
    Likes Received:
    neil, got a place for your head and bike here in Texas!!! good food also!
  12. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Looks like you'll be covered where ever you go with a place to sleep, good food, good company and even an oil change or two. :D
  13. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I would really like the West coast/ South West...Texas, but our cousins and the farm that we want to see are up in Ontario,...so that means North east.

    I have just been looking at Google Maps, and a taking these things in to account, and seeing Oshkosh and Milwaukee are both near by, I could try and time the trip to make the Oshkosh air rally and a visit to the Harley Muesum...so that would mean mid to end July for Oshkosh
  14. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Mouseville USA
    That is the time to be in WI, Prior to July and after August
    the area turns into a winter wasteland LOL (ok just kidding)

    You could ride across the UP (Upper MI Peninsula) lots of
    great things to see there.
  15. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I have seen a few bikes that are within my price range at Mason City Harley, so if there are deals avaiable at a dealers, I should be OK with finding one privately for that sort of price.

    Mason City is also on my route up from Nebraska to Westmeath, Ontario,
  16. JohnnyBiker

    JohnnyBiker Well-Known Member

    Mar 25, 2010
    Likes Received:
    I would offer a room here in Minnesota but i am crowded. :( Minnesota would be a perfect fit.
  17. NeilP

    NeilP Active Member

    Nov 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    Thanks for the thought anyway :)
  18. FLHTbiker

    FLHTbiker Moderator Staff Member

    Nov 3, 2004
    Likes Received:
    If you don't make it out through the Pacific Northwest country, you'll be missing out on some of the most beautiful country in the world. I'm am bit prejudice but been to many parts of the country and world, could never find anything better.

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