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Mothers Milk

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by marc 55, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. marc 55

    marc 55 Well-Known Member

    Jul 27, 2012
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    Basking Ridge, N.J.
    Mother's Milk

    Students in an advanced Biology class were taking their mid-term
    exam. The last question was, 'Name seven advantages of Mother's Milk.’
    The question was worth 70 points or none at all.
    One student, in particular, was hard put to think of seven advantages.

    However, he wrote:

    1) It is perfect formula for the child.
    2) It provides immunity against several diseases.
    3) It is always the right temperature.
    4) It is inexpensive.
    5) It bonds the child to mother, and vice versa
    6) It is always available as needed.

    And then the student was stuck. Finally, in desperation, just before the bell rang indicating the end of the test, he wrote:

    7) It comes in two attractive containers and it's high enough off the ground where the cat can't get it.

    He got an A.

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