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mufflers for 2005 FLHTCUI

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by mr_truckdriver, Sep 29, 2004.

  1. mr_truckdriver

    mr_truckdriver New Member

    Sep 29, 2004
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    anyone ever used Rolling Thunder mufflers on there bike,,,what kind would give it a nice rich sound
  2. AFNurse

    AFNurse Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 8, 2004
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    Great Falls, MT or deployed to......
    Not sure this post is in the right area, but here is my answer to your question anyway! I have a 2004 FLHT (E Glide Standard) with Fuel Inj. I have a Ness Big Sucker breather, Power Commander IIIr (not usb:( ) and Sampson Rolled Thunder slip ons. I am running stock pipes from the engine to the slip ons, so I have that poorly designed cross over for the rear cylinder......someday!! With all that being said, I have NICE deep rumble, not super loud (unless coming/going from military family housing in the wee hours of the nite or really hitting the throttle). Performance pick up was good.......Not great (think it could be tuned on a dyno for more performance), but I am happy. I get the sound that I wanted, nice deep rumble without being totally obnoxious in the volume department. I have enuf loud to turn ALL the Germans heads (except those that are deaf!) as they have strict sound/muffler laws that they must comply with. Your best bet is to go to some biker events, listen to different bikes, if you like something, ask them what they have. That is what I did and have been very happy.:D Good luck!
  3. usahellas

    usahellas New Member

    Aug 26, 2004
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    Lawrenceville, Georgia
    They are rather loud

    They do have a nice tone huh AFNurse. :cool:

    Kind of the do not give gas in the neighborhood at 1am loud. Sounded really nice next to you on the interstate. ;) Especially while playing a bit of free way tag. :eek:

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