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need help with chip in 05 dresser for exhaust

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by ddc1932, Feb 26, 2006.

  1. ddc1932

    ddc1932 New Member

    Feb 26, 2006
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    Central New York
    I need some help .I have a 2005 electra ultra, want to put some mufflers on it or reem mufflers out that are on it (to make it loader) as it staill has new stock . Can anyone tell me what I got to do to the chip or where I can buy a chip and what else I have to do to do the job. where can I buy a computer chip for it also. Thank you Darrell C.
  2. 05glide

    05glide New Member

    Nov 21, 2005
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    Where to buy?

    I gotta plug Direct Parts. You can buy everything you need right here. I managed to pick up some new Vance Hines ovals from a private party who paid $500 and I got'em for $300 :D but my Big Sucker came form Direct Parts. :rolleyes: I rejetted the carb on my 05 standard. ;) I LOVE IT!! I'd recomend you read the arcives here in the forum. You can get a wealth of GOOD info. IF your wanting a deep loud roar, for my money its Vance Hines Ovals. But hay, that's me. As for sound---if we all wanted the same thing there would only be one choice :D
  3. kamakazi

    kamakazi New Member

    Jan 30, 2006
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    what he said :)

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