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New baffle for Bigshots

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by kwalker, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. kwalker

    kwalker New Member

    Aug 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Anyone know where you can find the new "quiet" baffles for the Bigshots Staggered. I know they are on backorder but have seen some posts where guys have found them in stock. They are supposed to be available Aug 20 but each time the delivery date gets close, its pushed back. My wife says if I dont quiet this thing down she's leaving me (hehehehe...maybe thats a plus) and the neighbors say they are gonna lynch me. I like the sound, but from what I have read the new baffles sound great without a lot of the decibels.........Thanks in advance for any help
  2. CD

    CD Guest

  3. SISK

    SISK New Member

    Jun 2, 2004
    Likes Received:
    Las Vegas
    Purchasing Power


    CD failed to mention that he'll ship those baffles to you for free if you buy $250 worth of stuff from Direct Parts, and there is no tax (unless you're unfortunate enough to live in AZ ;) )

    I purchased my V&H pipes through Direct Parts and was very happy with their service. It was actually V&H who directed me to DP and that's how I found this site. However, I'm getting of topic... I was also thinking about getting the "neighbor friendly" baffles when I got my pipes, but decided to just stick with the stock baffles. However, I am interested in what the quiet baffles sound like compared to stock, so if you do get them, be sure to post a follow up (or send me a PM) and let me know how they sound.


    If you think you can, or think you can't, you're right!
  4. ffflhtcui

    ffflhtcui New Member

    May 28, 2004
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    Shame on you. I'm sure that anyone who is "fortunate" enough to live in Arizona will be proud to pay the sales tax.
  5. kwalker

    kwalker New Member

    Aug 2, 2004
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    CD..............YOU DA MAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yea.....I recently purchased my Bigshots and high flow air kit from Direct Parts and also couldn't be happier I can't believe I didnt ask them about the new baffle. Duh..... I too like the sound of the standard baffle and may not change. If I do, I'll let the group know how I like them.......thanks for all your help
  6. IRJAY

    IRJAY New Member

    Jul 23, 2004
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    South Western PA
    Quiet Baffles

    I intalled the quiet baffles last week. They are very quiet! A little
    louder would be great. They do have the deep sound that I like,
    and louden up a bit when cranked up. Real good torque. After about 400 miles my plugs look the best color I have seen yet. I do have the sportster needle jet,
    and a high flow S&S aircleaner installed. V&H BigShots Staggered.
    My scoot is a 02 FXST.

  7. rose_guy

    rose_guy New Member

    Jun 27, 2004
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    do you need to redyno

    I have been thinking about getting the quiter baffles. I dynoed after putting on the pciiiusb, v&h staggered and a se aircleaner. how much difference will the new baffles make?

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