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new H.D. prices

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by hdrider01, Jul 18, 2015.

  1. hdrider01

    hdrider01 Member

    Oct 2, 2009
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    Del City,Ok
    I live in s.e. OKC and usually go to the stealer just south of me.I'll be sort of nice and not name them but I'm sure you all know who it is.When ever I go there I always look at the new bikes(who doesn't?).They always have someone to try to help.The problem is the "sellsmen"(no women yet that I have seen) don't know anything!I'm sure it is not all their fault.I really have issues about their prices and so called fees and shipping and make ready plus doc fees!I have a beautiful '09 Ultra Classic with a little over 18,000 miles and have thoughts about a new one.I really get peeved when looking at the tags and always ask why their shipping is twice than H.D. advertises ,and want almost $600 for make-ready,$250 doc fees!BLOWS MY MIND!I just walk out shaking my head.One lady called me after I did an online description of my bike and I asked her about prices and she asked me if I would consider a purchase if she took a couple of hundred bucks off.I told her she shouldn't have the couple hundred bucks tacked on anyway.I told no but hell no and hung up!Just wondering if I'm the only one.Sorry about such a long rant.RIDE SAFE!!(ESPECIALLY AROUND HERE!!) Stan.

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