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New headers

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by Harley Charlie, Mar 25, 2005.

  1. Harley Charlie

    Harley Charlie New Member

    Mar 25, 2005
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    I am new here so please bear with me. I have a 2002 FLHRCI. I have a Stage 1 download and air cleaner with screaming eagle pipes and I have just installed Vance and Hines True Dual headers. I am getting some different sounds from my exhaust (some popping and gurgling) that I am not sure are signs of too lean or what. I love the sound I'm getting because I appear to be hearing both cylinders idling. I am also told that with a stage one download I am OK to run without remapping the EFI. I am hoping that I do not need to get an HD racekit or a commander to get good performance. What do you think?
  2. Seahag

    Seahag New Member

    Mar 31, 2004
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    Mankato, MN
    It may be running lean. Aftermarket pipes often outflow the screaming eagle versions which the reflashes are designed for. A cheaper fix (but not as adjustable) would be the DFO...which I think stands for digital fuel optimizer...basically lets you richen up your mixture as needed but has no control over timing.

    If you want to know for sure whether you are lean or not...get a dyno run done with an AFR (air/fuel ratio) analysis. I think an area dealer near me does three pulls for $50.00...no tuning...just the runs.

    I plan to do this shortly cuz of some new components I put in this winter and I wish to see the power changes and whether I'm wasting fuel or not.
  3. wehohl

    wehohl New Member

    Sep 5, 2004
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    Buffalo, NY
    Installed the Vance and Hines True Dual Headers, Screaming Eagle Air Cleaner, True Oval Slip-ons and Power Commander. Bike runs great and I believe the Power Commander is well worth the money over the HD Download. If a download map is available from Power Commander Web Site, you can install Power Commander with correct MAP and I believe your problem would be solved. You can talk to Dynojet Tech support and they should be able to help.

    By purchasing the Power Commander, you can change MAPS for any future updates to bike and will not need further HD Re-Mapl.
  4. RKCustom

    RKCustom New Member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    I'm doing the same thing, but I'm curious. Did you get just the SE (i.e K&N air breather) or did you do the Stage I EFI air breather kit?

    I was NOT planning on doing the Stage I with ECM recalibrate at dealer.

  5. CD

    CD Guest

    If you are going the aftermarket tuning route i.e. Power Commander, DFO etc, a Ness Big Sucker makes more sense and saves $$$.
  6. RKCustom

    RKCustom New Member

    Apr 6, 2005
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    That's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks CD :)
    Here's what I'm doing to my '05 FLHRSI:

    V&H True Dual Headers
    V&H Classic Slip-ons w/turn down
    NESS Big Sucker from Direct Parts
    PCIII USB from Direct Parts

    Sorry CD, but I've got to throw some $$ at my
    local shop (non H-D), lest they disappear one day! :(
  7. CD

    CD Guest

    No problem at all. Just remember that there is room to negotiate on the prices and if the shop is wanting more of your business, they will work with you.

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