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New poll regarding American made

Discussion in 'Pull up a chair and sit for a spell' started by kenfuzed, Jul 10, 2009.

  1. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Las Vegas NV
    I just posted a new poll in The Polling Place forum concerning American made parts for our Harleys. Let me know what you think.
    [PAGE="http://bike-talk.com/forum/polling-place/9286-price-pride.html"]Price or Pride?[/PAGE]
  2. hotroadking

    hotroadking Super Moderator Staff Member

    Jun 16, 2004
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    Mouseville USA
    Is there anything left?

    Will there be anything left when Cap and Trade is done.

    There are even rumors on the net that HD is going to close York to move it to Mexico,
    this would allow them to build products and eliminate the federal taxes that are going to add big bucks to provide Washington with the money to socialize America per the Dems and Obamas plans.

    Frankly I wouldn't blame HD, Chevy, Ford or any manufacturing company for picking up all processing and leaving the USA, In fact they should all announce plans to move the factories outside of the USA to Mexico, right now..... If the Senate passes Cap and Trade (or Cap and TAX) in any form.

    All America should support this move, why, because it will stop the Washington Taxocrats cold.

    I know I just ran off to the political side, but if you want to discuss offshore manufacturing you have to take into consideration more than Union vs. Non Union, Wages. You have to look at the regulations we impose, the costs, the governmental restrictions the taxes, and then ask. "As a manuf. how can I compete with XYZ company making Jets in China and still meet the goals of employing families, paying taxes and buying supplies" the fact is you cannot.

    Patriotism will only go so far.

    Who here buys clothes from Wal-Mart- You can buy a pair of nice jeans for $10.

    If you buy them, you just told commerce (business) I don't care where it comes from
    It's about the money.

    We as consumers have been Wal-Marted into killing our production, Obama and the Taxocrats are moving as hard and fast as they can to get this legislation passed,

    It needs to be stopped because it will kill America... We'll all be telemarketers and burger flippers....Paid more than a third world worker but not enough to support ourselves, begging for government handouts, food coupons, health insurance, gimme dis, gimme dat.

    I know I sound like a silly Right Winger that hates democrats, I don't, I'm against the socialization of this country for any reason much less for the sole purpose of governmental growth and control.

    We need less government, less control and less taxes... Otherwise the next 4 years are going to make Carters Term seem like a walk in the park...

    As a buddy says, "hows that change werkin' out fer ya"

    Rant mode off...
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2009

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