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New Springer Front end

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by JRG@SBC, Feb 16, 2006.

  1. JRG@SBC

    JRG@SBC New Member

    Feb 16, 2006
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    How do I find out what length I'll need to buy for my bike, I would really like to have a springer but the bike didn't come with eny front end to go by. Its kind of hard to find info on the frame I got, its a 1970 TRIUMPH, BSA, NORTON hard tail chopper frame or at least thats what Im told.
  2. CD

    CD Guest

    So, which is it? BSA, Norton or Trumpet? With the frame at the angle you want the lower loop to sit measure the distance from the bottom on the fork stem to the axle center line of the size wheel you will use. You can use a long dowel or two so you can go through the stem to get the angle somewhat close.

    Hope you didn't give a lot for that frame because any of those engines can be hard to find in good shape and are not cheap to rebuild.

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