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New to Sportsters need help

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Tech Talk' started by harley328, Feb 3, 2009.

  1. harley328

    harley328 New Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Hi all
    I am in the process of buying an 06' 883 that has a stage one pipes etc.
    The bike had been stored in a warm garage for 10 months and likely was not done correctly the only way we can get it to run or fire at all was by removind the air cleaner assembly and adding some gas to the carb directly.
    It runs albeit rough for as long as there is enough gas in the carb.
    My toughts were to pull the carb bowl and check for gunk but have never had much success when i break into a carb.
    U guys are the experts where should I start?
  2. kenfuzed

    kenfuzed Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    Las Vegas NV
    If it was only sitting 10 months it might not be so bad. Aside from the carb you will want to drain the tank as the fuel there may be varnish as well. Next remove the petcock and clean the screen, then clean out the fuel line (or replace).

    You may be able to get away without a full blown rebuild by simply removing the bowl and flush with clean gas or *carb cleaner.

    *Caution when using carb cleaner. Isolate the cleaner to the bowl area as any cleaner allowed to penetrate the upper vacuum piston area will damage the diaphragm.

    Be sure to follow all of this cleaning with a fresh set of plugs and an oil change.
  3. Art_NJr

    Art_NJr New Member

    Mar 16, 2008
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    North Carolina
    Follow the recommendations kenfuzed gave & make sure you've got a new or @ least very good screwdriver, as the float bowl (& other) screws are easy to strip. Many just replace them with Allen head screws & that's a good idea. Also, if you don't have the factory service manual yet, go get one - pricey, but worth every penny. It does a good job covering the carb & how it works. The CV carb is not really all that complicated & if you'll use the manual & take your time, you'll get it figured out.

    When you raise the slide & open the butterfly you'll notice tiny holes in the bottom of the carb throat & those are transfer ports for the idle circuit, which can clog up pretty easily. But if you'll put the little extension tube on a can of spray Gumout (or similar carb cleaner), you can usually clear those out. That & removing/cleaning the float bowl you can do without taking the carb off the bike. If you find you do need to take it off, the only pain is removing the throttle cables but you really don't have to do that, as there's enough slack to turn the carb around, upside-down, etc. & get to every part of it. But try the easy stuff 1st & that may get you going just fine.

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